Chapter 2: Let You Now, Iam Richard

Lisa really introduced herself to Richard again when the teacher was giving the lesson in front of the other pupils. "Lisa," he added with a smile as he extended out his hand in front of Richard.

Apart from his teacher and his own sister, Liana, this is the first time Richard has received a smile from his classmates. "My name is Richard, perhaps you already know from another friend?" said Richard, who preferred to remain silent and did not reach out to Lisa.

Lisa began to lower her hands again, and the smile on her face faded away.

I'm not sure how I overlooked it; it's no surprise I stuffed it into my bag. Lisa muttered something. Richard, who had been concentrating on his work, abruptly turned to Lisa.

"Why, anyway?" says the narrator.

"What did you say earlier?" Richard inquired, interrupting his seatmate. He didn't dare to look Lisa in the eyes; there appeared to be a frightening person nearby. Richard didn't want the figure to know he possessed supernatural talents.

Lisa could only remain silent and nod her head, but she began to pay attention to her teacher's explanation. Richard, on the other hand, was still troubled by the presence behind Lisa. Now that the eerie figure is on his way back to Richard, Richard's hair is standing on end. He was aware that the figure was now staring at him, and he was at a loss for what to do. He attempted to relax as much as he could now that his back was straight.

Lisa is still perplexed as to why her friends despise Richard, despite the fact that Richard appears to be a normal child. It's not strange or frightening, but he can only sit motionless and cannot move. He also didn't want to offend Richard with what he was about to say. So, who is the ominous figure lurking behind Lisa? It's still a puzzle.

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