Chapter 57 (Season 2): That is?


Rayn began to walk slowly down the school corridor. However, Lisa had returned to class first, while Rayn was still somewhere else. The man recalls Lisa's story from the roof, looks up at the blue sky, and begins to imagine what Richard looks like.

Rayn began to sit on one of the steps before leaning against the wall. The man started to drift away and smiled crookedly.

He must be a very good boy, innocent and certainly easy to manipulate. What a moron he is to give up his life for people who have repeatedly harmed him.

Rayn couldn't help but laugh softly before exhaling harshly. "And, Lisa, if saying sorry is pointless, Richard will not listen. After all, her crying is pointless because she will not return for you "Ray mumbled.

The man began to breathe again. "Just try Richard, he's still alive, maybe we can play together..." the man added.


"What happened to Mother? When you don't want to be welcomed, this is Rayn!" exclaimed Rayn, who had just returned from his house.

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