Chapter 81

Bloody and gory scene was the one that greeted them gloomily.


What was happening here?!

The three guys-no, it should not be three as Maki was not included because the state Maki was in still showed a visible and bold letters-calm.

No one need to ask when Maki calm expression said it all.

The two guys thought that they wont even feel a slightest bit of tension when they saw such a bloody and gory scene as the mission their system always issued to them as their daily task requires for them to see what they had expected to see suitable for their age.

Ash scrunched up his brows and hurriedly had made himself disappear, making himslef far awawy from the bad smell and populated air caused by the dry blood that stop oozing out of the several humans head lying down on the ground with lifeless eyes, having no hope anymore to be save.

Before he crouched down while holding his belly, occasionally giving it a pich as he retched loudly in an uncomfortable position.

" ... " well, the only th
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