Chapter 152: Return To The Brim

"I have received some information from the Information Guild president that the Behemoth Guild has been sending out spies to find the hidden members and attack them. I need to know if that will affect the weapon creation process." Pu Chong-Yol said.

"There is no need to worry about that. The weapon production members are all hidden in a very secretive location that not even I know about." Arthur replied assuring the alliance leader.

"That is good to hear. But I think that we will have to move faster. Try to take more action. We are getting more information that the Behemoth Guild is getting more aggressive with their actions, it is almost like they are not even hiding their actions from us." Pu Chong-Yol said while sweat started to form around his forehead.

"I can only take action when I reach the 30th floor. For some reason the Behemoth Guild has blocked every connection from the lower floors to the higher floors..." Arthur replied.

"I see... Well it can't be helped. After all we wil
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