Practice Hunting [2]

"Vertical Slash..." Raymond mumbled on his position as he looked at how greatly his father finished the monster. It was too easy, perhaps because it was only level one.

Knowing that the mother was already dead, so Raymond moved and approached his father since he had some questions in his mind. As he approached him, he noticed that his father was flawlessly cleaning the blood from his sword.

'What an amazing father...' Raymond thought.

"Father, at what level can you survive? I heard some voices calling 'levels,' then I thought there was a power range standard in this venue."

His father was dumbfounded for a second as his son mentioned it to him. Then, later on, he smiled and patted Raymond's head. He brushed the hair strands and then complied with his question.

"You really are a genius, Raymond. But to answer your question, I can only take level three, and you must be curious about how I can easily kill that, huh. Was that the reason you asked me?"

Raymond nodded to his father's question. Raymond's father was silently admiring his son as he didn't expect his assessment rate to be this high. Nonetheless, he just acted normally since he had already promising progress and would not be surprised more in the future.

"Then, what should I do now, father?" Raymond asked.

His father only scratched his nape and looked at the surroundings. He then muttered, "What I know is that level one should have two monsters. Where is the other one?"

When Raymond heard it, he instinctively searched for the other monster, but he couldn't find it. He only wondered why the second monster didn't appear.

Was it afraid of his father since it took one slash to defeat the first one? No... impossible. Monsters generated by magic weren't pure; they didn't have the real instinct of that monster. At least they have artificial intelligence.

Raymond continued searching. After a few seconds, he spotted something moving from a distance. He unconsciously pointed it out, and his father followed his fingers.

"Ah! There, that cub. You kill it for me, Raymond." His father said.

Raymond raised his eyebrow and faced his father. "You are not going to continue your demonstration, father?"

His father scoffed, then pointed to the weapon Raymond was holding. It was a longsword, and based on his grip, it appears that Raymond was looking forward to this practice because of how tight he was holding it.

"I think you will become a very good fighter, Raymond."

Raymond smiled at his father's words, then willingly moved his feet in the monster's direction. He then held the sword at his side and ran when he saw it.

He should not be stealthy at this since he should be the predator. His aim should be to impress his father, so later on he would be praised and taught some things that only hunters know.

Raymond's knowledge was limited till he is 17 years old, so it was reasonable if he still aimed for another knowledge since he was not all-knowing. Even though he knows the plot, it only covers chapter one.

With a smile on his face, Raymond caught the monster's location. He then bent his knee and attempted to attack it. But knowing that his body was still young and had not been practiced, his form was still sloppy but acceptable for professionals.

They would call Raymond's performance promising, and he has a talent for it.

Raymond was holding the sword to his right while the monster was to his left. He then dashed and released a slash to the left.

The monster reacted and was about to bash him, but before it could, Raymond already lowered his stance and made an arch slash.

Raymond's body twisted counter-clockwise. The sword hit the left leg of the monster, but it wasn't enough to put it down.

This just made Raymond dedicated. After that attack, he lifted his body and sprinted back to the monster, imitating his father's form earlier.

He grinned. He knew that the monster was getting out of balance, and using that chance, he thrust into the monster's abdomen.

There was no blood that splattered; instead, it only flowed as the cries of the monster filled Raymond's ears. It cried for a few seconds, and at that moment, Raymond pushed the sword further and removed it.

Then, slowly, the cries diminished, and his father arrived as well.

His father clapped and praised him, "Well done, my son. You didn't show any signs of disgust. I like that expression."

Raymond was panting as his stamina decreased, but he was still well, ready to go for another one.

"Anything? Is there another monster?" Raymond asked.


Raymond spent his days practicing at the venue. Every day, he would visit it for 8 hours straight and go home tired, unable to play with his friends.

As they were also growing up, they tended to play less since they were getting more responsible for their lives. Childhood was coming to an end, and when they turned 15, they would face the responsibility of what adults should focus on.

So, they understood that Raymond wasn't able to attend their meetings since he was truly busy. That was when they decided to also prepare for their upcoming awakening ceremony in two years.

A few months have passed. Raymond's 14th was coming. He must enjoy his childhood, but he focuses his time on studying more about magic. Memories were not enough; he should also practice his body to get used to the feeling of magic.


Name: Raymond (Commoner)

Lv: Unawakened (Commoner)

Stats: Locked (Commoner)

Talent: Unawakened (Commoner)

Skill: Unwakened (Commoner)

Hidden Stats:

HP: Undetermined

MP: 5/5 (Primary)

STR: 15

SPD: 10

INT: Null (Connected with MP)


"Unbelievable, my progress is too amazing! How could..."

Raymond was trying to contain himself from laughing as he looked at his profile. His stats were strikingly good for his age. It was something that he could use as a card to monopolize opportunities.

However, he should still reveal it. There must be a right time to reveal it and now was not that time. He should continue to be a talented hunter instead of an all-rounder.

All-rounders are those who have a good future. If it was magic and strength, they could be flexible.

"Kekekeke... I wonder if that time will arrive. I should start thinking about political affairs."


Mission #3 of Chapter One: Political Power Assurance


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