Sibling bond
"Shane!" Angela called, slightly tugging his sleeve while they walked home from school.


"Did something good happen at school today?" her question surprised "Why do you ask?"

"You look happier than usual" he raised an eyebrow "Do I?"

"You've been grinning like a creepy serial killer the whole way back while nodding rhythmically, I'm pretty sure a few people we encountered thought you were kidnapping me or that you escaped from an asylum" she said sarcastically.

Shane looked around, noticing in fact a few people stare at him with a worried look on their faces, some even had their phone in hand, ready to call the police.

"Oh fuck" he mumbled, pulling up his hood and hurrying his pace "Why didn't you tell me?!" he whisper yelled, feeling his face burn in embarrassment.

"I tried to, you just kept humming at me like the idiot you are" she grumbled annoyed "It's not my fault if your head is always in the clouds, you should consider tying a rope to it so you can keep it down to g
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