"We're almost there sir," said the taxi driver, looking at Anthony in the back seat through the rearview mirror with curious eyes.

"I couldn't believe it when you told me that the Maple mansion was your destination but I'm glad I didn't clock off early today" The driver had a huge grin on his face

"So what job do you work here? Are you like one of the helpers or something? Maybe a bodyguard? So cool!" the driver smirked while Anthony remained silent.

Just the assumptions being made by the driver were already insulting enough, but, Anthony didn't take it too much to heart.

He accepted the fact that from how he looked, nobody in their right minds would straight up assumes he was a family member of the Maple's 

"My wife and I are in serious need of a job and extra cash so if it's possible, can you try putting a word for her when I drop you off? I'll like to get your number so that we can keep talking—"

"You're mistaken, I don't work here. Never have and never will!" Anthony finally broke his silence, peering out the window and seeing a familiar Police car parked at the front of the Mansion.

The driver after hearing Anthony's reply felt a little bit confused but also insulted like the man he was driving was trying to play with his intelligence.

"What'd you mean you don't work here? Are you trying to make jokes right now, even after I just opened up to you about my need for some work?" He smacked his tongue, scowling.

"What could someone like you even be doing here if not work?" The driver abrasively parked the taxi right next to the empty police car, glaring at Anthony through the rearview mirror with his eyes daggers.

Anthony could care less about the driver. He was more focused on why the police car was there while he told the driver who he was to the Maples, their son-in-law.

Out of nowhere 

"Fuck out of here you stupid bum! Son-in-law my ass!" The driver insulted, causing Anthony to pause from trying to open the door.

"You think I’d believe some dumb lie?! The Maple's would never talk to you let alone bother hiring you, even if it was to pack the dogs' shit!" The driver was grunting

Anthony didn’t know how to respond. At first, the driver had been polite when he told him that he was heading to the Maple mansion but that politeness had a coat of skepticism shrouding over it.

Now, seeing that Anthony might be someone of importance and could be of help to his wife, the driver tried to act friendly and force a fake relationship with him. However, everything changed when he assumed that Anthony was lying about knowing the Maple and his true impression of Anthony finally came to light.


Having gone through a lot in the past few hours, Anthony didn't want to be in such a negative environment any longer than he had to and so he got out of the taxi, not even making an attempt at addressing the insult he just received. It wasn't worth it.

"Here's the money for the fare, hurry up with the change—" before he could finish the sentence the driver yanked the money from his hand, causing Anthony to have a paper cut on his thumb 

"Change?! Since you're the big son-in-law of the Maples then you don't need change!" The driver stuffed the money with the rest before igniting the engine.

“You know what, do me a favor and get fucked! Next time I see you on the street, your knees are going to know what the bumper of my car tastes like, asshole!" he said, spat at Anthony but missed then reversed, making a quick turn and drove away

This whole exchange was so unexpected that it left Anthony scratching his head dumbfounded, sucking on the blood slowly escaping through the cut on his thumb 


"SIGH… Home sweat— whatever I guess" Exhausted, Anthony headed for the entrance of the mansion, pushing the massive doors forward, and exposing the hall in which the party had taken place earlier.

"I wonder why Officer Wils— Huh?! Officer Wilson, what are you doing here?" Anthony asked, seeing Officer Wilson, his partner, and the rest of the Maple Family standing in wait for his arrival.

Julius' wife and their only son were also there with the family.

"Anthony!" Annabelle called out to him with a panicked and saddened look, trying to run to her husband but was being held back by the mere presence of Patience.

"What in the world is going on here?" Anthony questioned himself in shock. From the looks of those right in front of him, it seemed like there was about to be a battle.

It was an ambush waiting just for him.

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