Chapter 351 – The Bomb

Chapter 351 – The Bomb

Because Ganjiang's answer was not satisfactory to the king of Helu, he finally wanted to hold a duel to fight with him. He didn't think they were people he could confront. When Alex stepped forward to become Ganjiang's representative, the king of Helu refused because he was not from Huaxia.

If the sword given by Ganjiang is to a merchant who will help him seize other territories, he will take it away with him, but if the merchant owned by Ganjiang cannot help him against King Helu, then he must give the sword without payment.

He knew that as a swordsmith, he would not have the fighting skills of ordinary people accustomed to wielding swords on the battlefield. King Helu thought about the advantage of someone like them keeping the blade, if not for sale and purchase. He wanted to test that ability and ensure the sword was proper for them.

He asked Ganjiang to use two swords at the same time as he had known so far. Otherwise, the soldie
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