Chapter 7 “Shadow of Dim Light”


...Running through the city, not looking back, frightened.

There is something unknown chasing you.

You run into a small alleyway behind the nearest building.

Everything your eyes look upon – broken, devastated. War recently finished, leaving a ruined town.

I’m left with a beast that is chasing me, with an urge to kill.

This endless feeling of fear. Kind of fear that is gripping your throat, making you unable to scream for help, unable to let out a word, your body shaking, your mind constantly paranoid.

Right then - someone, another one of my kind, takes my hand and pulls me away. To the inside of the building, closing doors behind. Carefully. Silently. This someone keeps pulling me further along, holding my hand. Up the stairs, hall, another flight of stairs, hallway and stairs again. Though I’m pulled by this stranger, I can’t make out how this person looks. He or she? But this person is just soundlessly floating through the halls.

We reach the top floor, open the old wooden d
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