II. Another dream or should I say a nightmare

That night I started researching Greek Numerals. I grabbed my laptop and opened it. Opened the browser and then started typing the words Greek Numerals.

"Greek numerals are a system of representing numbers using letters of the Greek alphabet. They are also known by the names Milesian numerals, Alexandrian numerals, or alphabetic numerals. In modern Greece, they are still in use for ordinal numbers, and in much the same way that Roman numerals are in the West; for ordinary (cardinal) numbers, Arabic numerals are used. "

As Hans said at school earlier, Greek Numerals are systems that describe numbers using the letters of the Greek Alphabet as in Roman Numerals.


"Kioshiiii !!" Someone shouted while running towards me, its Hans. But then he suddenly stopped when he saw what was written on my notebook.

He immediately took the notebook to my desk and then he looked closely. While seemingly thinking and looking for the answer to what is written. Suddenly his face lit up saying "I figured it out".

"Hey, is this the homework for tomorrow? It looks so easy." He said, while shaking the notebook in front of us.

Nao and I looked at each other because of what he said and then we looked at him carefully. We were surprised when he probably knew these symbols. We know Hans is smart but he is not the same as Nao and I. We can answer things through stock knowledge like smart in nature while Hans is smart through effort like he needs to review it first and memorize things before he can answer . This means that he is reading ahead or studying things ahead again.

"You know these letters or symbols?" I curiously ask.

"Y-yeah, It's a greek numeral, like you know roman numerals." He answered nervously.

"That's not fair, you're reading ahead again." Nao jokingly said.

Then we all laughed.

[End of Flashback]

I continued reading it so I could better understand things about it. And presumably it still might give me interesting information that can help me in various ways.

"Ancient Greek numerals came in two forms - alphabetic and acrophonic.The acrophonic numerals led to the Roman numerals, and the alphabetic numerals were an early version of the same number system that we still use today."

Hmm ... There are two types of it.

"Two Systems of Numerals"

"There was not only one system of Greek numerals, there were two! Depending upon when you lived, you may have used either the acrophonic or alphabetic numerals. The acrophonic system was used until around 100 BCE and inspired the Roman numeral system. Like the Roman numeral system, both Greek numeral systems are additive, meaning that you add up the individual symbols to determine their value. Here's a chart of acrophonic numerals:"

Acrophonic Numeral - Modern Number

I - 1

II - 2

III - 3

IIII - 4

Γ - 5

Γ I - 6

Γ II - 7

Γ III - 8

Γ IIII - 9

Δ - 10

Δ Γ - 15

ΔΔ - 20


H - 100

X - 1000

M - 10000

"This number should be interpreted as follows:"

"HΔΔΔΓIII = 100 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 3 = 138"

"Alphabetic System"

"The acrophonic system was eventually replaced by the alphabetic numerals, which use 27 different symbols in different combinations. The letters of the alphabet were used to represent numerals. The first nine letters (α through θ) represented the numbers 1 to 9. The next nine letters were used for the tens (10, 20, 30 all the way to 90), and the next nine letters were used for the hundreds. Here's a chart to give you an idea:"

Number - Units - Tens - Hundreds

1 - α - ι - ρ

2 - β - κ - σ

3 - γ - λ - τ

4 - δ - μ - υ

5 - ε - ν - φ

6 - ϝ - ξ - χ

7 - ζ - ο - ψ

8 - η - π - ω

9 - θ - ϟ - ϡ

"Using this alphabetic system, we would write 784 as ψπδ, which would be added together as 700 + 80 + 4. Now, here's something really neat! The Greeks did not use place value position like we do, so you could also write 784 as πδψ since the ψ represents 700 regardless of its placement."

They are really the same as Roman Numerals, the only difference is the letter. But the Roman Numeral is unique, unlike Greek Numeral, it has two types, it has changed over time. Acrophonic Numeral was used in ancient times and was later replaced by the Alphabetic System. There are only more Greek Numeral letters than Roman Numerals.

With the right value just add it together to get the total number. It's just different in roman numerals because in roman numerals the placement of the numerals determine the value while in the Greek numerals any placement of it is fine since it has its own character in ones, tens, hundreds and even thousands so you won't be confused of it.

Based on the chart of the Greek numerals the character "ριʹ" is 110 then "ρεʹ" is 105, because ρ is 100 then ιʹ is 10 and εʹ is 5. I thought especially when I learned the value of "ριʹ" and "ρεʹ "that 110 and 105. What does this have to do with what's happening to me? The questions in my mind only increased. I just wrote down what I found out tonight. It answered other questions but I didn't get the most total answer yet. I was still far from the answers I needed to find and I did not get much information about it.


"ριʹ" & "ρεʹ" - A Greek numeral

The meaning? - "ριʹ" is 110 and "ρεʹ" is 105

Connections? - Unknown

Why Greek numerals? - Unknown

And why Greek? - Unknown

About my eyes? - Unknown

About that dream and what's the connection of it to that creepy girl and to my eye? - Unknown

And that pain and dizziness, is it a side effect? Or consequences? - Unknown

What's the number supposed to mean? - Unknown

What's the connection of the 110 and 105 to me? - Unknown

With so much focus on what I was doing I ignored the sound of the door opening because I knew it was just Nao. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I felt horrible and one by one my hairs rose on my body. So I was distracted by it and that's why I look back.

"Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?" He asked as he stared at my face.

"It's you who's the ghost and stop sneaking up on me." I said panicky as I touched my arms.

"I seriously don't look like a ghost and I'm not sneaking up on you, I just normally walk inside your room." He said innocently.

"Just don't scare me." I responded as I calmed myself.

"Hahaha, I'm not scaring you. You're just scaring yourself." He replied.

"Geezz." I said in a tone of giving up.

Every time he moves it is scary because he moves so quietly.

"So what are you reading?" He asked again.

"It's about the characters I scribbled earlier at school." I answered.

"How did you even know those characters?" He asked.

"I don't know either but all I know is I've seen those, not sure where." I replied with no accurate answers.

"So, did you get anything?" He asked.

"Not much." I answered.

I also put out the Student Council calendar and papers on my table so I could write down the events or activities that can be put on the calendar after the exams. Students' minds need to be relaxed and the activities need to be fun. Hmm .. it's really hard to think when your mind is occupied with other things.

Nao just tapped my shoulder and then left. I think Nao is tired now. As I continue to search and research the answers I can find. Gradually my eyes got tired from looking at my laptop monitor and I soon fell asleep, a deep sleep.

A cold wind touched my nape causing me to feel horrified by the cold brought by the wind. I opened my eyes, clarity and silence was the only thing I felt. I looked around and realized I was in a classroom surrounded by desks and students.

"Did I fall asleep at school?" I confusedly asked in my mind. That's the first question I have in mind because I don't usually sleep at school.

It's weird, I feel weird but the only thing my eyes can see are my hands that seem to be in a game in the first person view. Even my vision is normal as if my right eye is not blind. And I know that someone else is moving me because I can't even move the fingers of my hands. Does that mean I'm in someone else's body again? I feel like this has happened to me before.

Then I realized it was the same there as that faceless little girl with a creepy smile. I couldn't see their faces as well as the information and words there but everyone at everything seemed familiar. Strangely, I think I have been here before but I don't remember anything.

The body moved and did all the things it always did in that area. Almost all the students approached this body I'm in but I didn't know if it had said anything because I didn't hear anything. Even words or sounds I don't hear coming out of them. I can't even read their lips or expressions because they have no face. Ack! it's creepier when it comes up to you.

I tried to see everything through this body, such as symbols, letters, colors or things but I didn't recognize any. I thought about everything and pretended I remembered something but nothing. All I know is that I have been here and I have seen this place but I don't remember anything. Everyone around was familiar but I had no idea where that place was. Even the movements and actions of the students remind me of someone but I don't remember who it is. Everything looks familiar but I don't remember anything about it.

"Is this a part of the dream? That whenever I'm in a dream I can't basically remember what I might see here? Hen whenever I wake up I forget everything but except that creepy face? Hmmm .. Strange, really strange . " I thought.

"Well that's one set of great rules." I mumbled in my mind.

No matter what I do I don't see anything that will remind me of something.

The body walked out of the classroom. As it walked, it suddenly tripped backwards. It turned around and suddenly I was in front of the stairs. All I could do was close my eyes. It fell and rolled down the stairs, I didn't even feel the pain but I knew it hurt. It opened my eyes and saw the faces of the students facing where I was. And all of them suddenly smiled. Those smiles that haunt me again, that creepy smile.

The one that keeps on reminding me of something, something that I couldn't figure out.

It reminded me of its first appearance.

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