°°° Therapy Session °°°

• Vancouver, Canada •

-The Green Therapeutic Company-

On Thursday morning, as early as eight, Jason and his brother, Andrew, were dropped off at the Green Therapeutic Company by their father. Andrew had a session with Gerald Greene, a two-hour therapy session that was going to cost them five hundred dollars per hour. And these sessions were to be held twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday.

Due to his job, Dan had dropped them off three hours earlier than he should have. The therapy session was scheduled for eleven to one, but Ann wasn’t feeling too great that morning, so driving was not an option this time. And with Jason not yet used to the city, Ann was against having them board a taxi to the company.

By the time the session was over, Ann predicted she would have been done with the hospital, so she would be coming to pick them up.

It was thirty minutes past twelve, and Jason sat outside Mr. Gerald Greene’s office. Andrew had
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