Level Up With My Bastard System in Fantasy World
Level Up With My Bastard System in Fantasy World
Author: Oceanna Lee
Volume 1 - Chapter 1 : Boring Life

Rain began to fall in Paris today, Olliver Pierre ran while covering his head so as not to get hit by the rain.

Olliver kept running to the convenience store where he worked, purposely arriving early so he wouldn't be scolded by his manager again.  Olliver was tired of hearing his manager scolding him every day.

Olliver reached into his pocket searching for the key to the convenience store.  It was cold outside, Olliver's hands trembled with cold as he opened the entrance to the convenience store.

Once opened, Olliver immediately went inside to begin his work that had been waiting for him.  "Who's going to shop when it's raining like this," muttered Olliver feeling that today he would be bored again because there weren't many visitors.

With quiet steps, Olliver changed his clothes and took the things he had to arrange it on the shelves in front.  At that moment, Olliver heard the sound of someone entering the convenience store, then suddenly heard footsteps approaching him from behind.

“Do your job quickly!  How are you going to serve customers, if you work at such a slow pace!”  shouted Steven – the manager of the department store where Olliver works – when he saw Olliver sorting things out on the shelves.

Steven passed Olliver while kicking the box next to Olliver which contained a lot of stuff, some of the stuff fell on the floor because of the kick.

"Do it right, you idiot!"  said Steven as he walked away into his room.

Olliver sighed tiredly, the man slowly picked up the fallen items and put them back into the box next to him.

His manager often did things like that to Olliver.  If Steven is upset or in a badmood, then he will take it out on Olliver or the other workers.

Olliver quickly finished his work to avoid another tantrum from Steven.  Olliver started picking up the mop and cleaning around the convenience store while waiting for customers to come.

 .  .  .

The sun began to show its lights at noon, and the cloudy clouds that adorned the city of Paris today slowly began to disappear and were replaced with bright light from the sun.

This afternoon Olliver saw the street where many people were going on their lunch break.  He saw the laughter of people enjoying their lives.

Olliver had time to think about his very ordinary life.  He is not smart, he is also not handsome, he is just an ordinary person who is used to being in a corner of the room and being forgotten by the world.

Olliver didn't want to be like that really, but it couldn't be helped, he couldn't change his life, it was too late, he thought.

"Hello!  Did you hear me!”

Olliver was surprised by a loud voice, apparently there were customers who wanted to pay for their groceries, Olliver didn't notice because he was busy daydreaming.

"I'm sorry," replied Oliver quickly.

Immediately Olliver did his job before the customer in front of him got angry and complained to Steven who would scold him if he found it out.

“Thank you, for shopping,"  Olliver said while handing the Customer the groceries.

Olliver could hear the customer he had just served glancing at him sarcastically while talking something about him to her friends.

Again, a sigh Olliver let out as he realized how pathetic his life was right now.  Trying to forget how miserable his life was, Olliver just needed to focus on what he was doing now.

. . .

The time has shown on Olliver's watch is almost over, it looks like his friend who will replace Olliver's shift will arrive soon.

While waiting for his hours to end, Olliver went around to see which shelves had run out of stuff and refilled them.

However, when Olliver was walking around he accidentally saw one of the visitors who had picked up some items on the shelf and secretly throw that items into his jacket. 

Not only one, but the customer stuffed several more items into his jacket.  Olliver pretended not to see that and continued on his way to the cashier's desk where he worked.

After that, the customer Olliver found secretly wanting to steal items at the convenience store walked up to him to pay for his goods.

Olliver remained silent and began to count the person's purchases with the computer in front of him.  When Olliver saw that the person had not put some items which he want to steal to him, Olliver spoke up.

"Where are the biscuits and milk you took, sir?"  asked Olliver with a straight face to the customer.

"What do you mean?  I didn't take that,” the customer replied, insisting that he didn't take the thing Olliver mentioned.

"Take out what's inside your jacket."  Olliver didn't want to be scolded by Steven again, he had to make the customer in front of him pay for all the things he took.

When Olliver and the customer were having an argument, Steven who heard that, came out of his room to see what was going on outside.

"What happen? Why you so loud, idiot!"  asked Steven, his brow furrowed in anger.

When the customer saw Steven's presence, the customer with fear immediately grabbed his groceries which Olliver had finished checking and quickly ran as fast as he could out of the convenience store.

"Shit!  Go after that man, damn you Olliver!”  Steven, who was shocked by the change in incidents that happened in front of him, instantly cursed Olliver and told the man to chase the thief.

Without wasting any more time, Olliver directly moved his feet to run after the thief, hoping he would still have time to catch up with him and get back the things that had been stolen by that person.

Several times Olliver hit pedestrians while chasing the thief, even though he ran as hard as he could, Olliver still lost track of the thief and couldn't catch him.

Withdrew Olliver stomped back into the convenience store, ready to be furiously scolded by Steven.

 .  .  .

"Do you catch that thief?"  asked Steven as soon as he saw Olliver's figure walking toward him.

“I'm sorry, sir.  The thief managed to escape,” replied Olliver, lowering his head, feeling guilty for not being able to retrieve the stolen item.

“Damn it!  Why are you always this incapable, you idiot!”  Steven, who was already full of emotions, subconsciously threw his fist at Olliver's stomach which caused Olliver to fall down on the street.

"Because of you, I lost so much money!  Don't come to work tomorrow, I don't accept stupid workers like you!"  Before Olliver had stood up, Steven had said that to him.

Steven went into the convenience store to get something, then soon came back out to find Olliver who still on the floor.

“Your last salary, make sure I never see you again.  Damn! I'm so upset today because of this idiot," said Steven, throwing an envelope and Olliver's belongings on the floor where Olliver was still there.

It was normal to be treated this way by other people, Olliver could only stay silent and slowly collect his things that were scattered on the floor, then left after saving his last salary.

At least this time Olliver was still being given his rightful salary, even though he was dismissed as unpleasantly as before.

With shaky steps, Olliver walked back to his little house on the outskirts of Paris.

Trying to enjoy the cold breeze that started to hug his body, Olliver still doesn't know what to do tomorrow, after today he was forcibly dismissed by Steven.

“Looks like tomorrow I'll have to find another job," muttered Olliver, looking up at the starless sky.

As Olliver looked back at the road, he saw a truck riding so fast from his left road.  Looking at the road in front of him, Olliver was taken aback when he realized that a little girl was running across the street when a truck was speeding towards her.

Not having time to think any longer, Olliver immediately threw away the things he was holding, then ran as fast as he could to save the little girl's body.

Not long after, a deafening sound rang out in the silent road.

[Transmigration process start...]

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