Chapter 7: data analysis.

Adam requested the spaghetti & meatball dish, a bottle of milk, and a piece of every fruit available. He waited for 2 minutes in front of a small window, his food then came out on a metal tray. It cost him 2.3 coins, although he could buy more, he didn't want to raise any suspicions.

While heading to an empty table to start eating, Adam was trying to dig for more information. 'so you need me to have more energy so you can synchronize! How long will that take? And how much energy do I need for that?!'

[100% synchronization requires 2000% current capacity…

Preparatory enhancement time estimated, 10-15 years…

Partial synchronization is not Advised…]

A few images and concepts were injected to his mind, his pupils contracted, he felt so weak. He realized that there was so many things he didn't understand previously. Like the fact that this thing was learning from his memory and experiences, it didn't know any thing about earth or human language that Adam didn't know. He needed at least 10 years to be able to get his answers.

He now understood what synchronization will do, it is meant to fully merge the thing with him. 'if we are not synchronized now! How can you be inside my head?' Adam had one last question that he needed to ask. He actually felt so dumb to have not understood what he was just shown earlier.

[current connection state, symbiotic…

Symbiotic state includes…

Preparatory enhancements…

Active energy absorption…

Thought projection…

Data analysis…]

This time, the images and thoughts projected into his mind left no question unanswered about his current state.

From what he now know, he will need to keep enhancing various aspects of his body, until he reaches the state where he can safely upgrade his energy capacity. This energy capacity is the amount of pure energy his body can store. He needs to do this cycle over and over, between each upgrade.

As he was thinking, trying to prevent his mind from focusing on the food he is eating, two things happened at the same time, one of them was bothering Adam.

[enhancing digestive system…]

"Adam! Vergo is looking for you, he knows that you stole from his stash." Birdy said in a hurry, while trying to not look at Adam to not be associated with him. Meanwhile, Adam was in pain. He opened the milk bottle casually, and started drinking from it slowly as if he didn't hear any thing.

The reason it hurts when enhancing digestion, is because its not an innate function of his body, the symbiote would forcibly stimulate the enzymes producing organs to up normally decrease the time required, and the potency of the absorption would reach almost 100% with light and healthy food, and at least 90% with unhealthy or heavy food.

After finishing every thing on the tray, Adam casually stood up holding the tray, he went to the kitchen's side of the cafeteria, there was an opening in the wall dedicated for the empty trays.

Adam was punished by working in the kitchen for a week before. They would make him clean the empty trays, even though they had machines for that, however it would be beneficial for them to save the energy required for the machine by making someone do it.

He inserted the tray in to the opening, then he stood beside it with his back leaning on the wall. "Adam! you little devil, why did you do that" a few seconds later, a woman in her twenties, with a red hair, pale skin, and oceanic blue eyes, said in anger as she opened the kitchen door opened.

Adam looked at her blankly, "shouldn't you be covering your hair while working in the kitchen?! Did you by any chance go near the spaghetti & meatball?!" his face not showing any emotion, he started to regret eating that dish.

"that's none of your freaking business!!" Wendy screamed to the top of her lungs, as she typed things on her phone.

She requested Adam to be punished, for inserting a bottle of milk with the food tray, which made the machine stop working. Even though it was relatively easy to get the bottle out and restart the machine, there was rule in the cafeteria, any one that doesn't empty the remaining of the food into the trash before inserting the tray to the machine, will have to take the machine's place for the rest of the day.

Immediately after Wendy finished typing on her phone, the sound of August, the head of security, sounded from all of the monitors on the cafeteria walls. "Adam! You are officially the record holder of the number of punishments in one month… head to the kitchen now." August said nonchalantly. "we will not consider it as a punishment any more, we need to invent new punishments for you." He sighed.

Adam did this to escape both, Vergo and the afternoon classes. He wasn't afraid of Vergo, he just didn't want to deal with him now, he preferred to let him cool down first so he wouldn't have to touch him. and the summer afternoon classes were boring, but if he had nothing else to do he would have to attend them.

So he preferred to do dishes and refrain from all that hassle.

At 5pm, Adam had some free time, the cafeteria would close at 9pm after serving dinner. He would have to go back to the kitchen at 7 or 8pm, if he tries to escape punishment, the security would locate him, and hunt him down.

Meanwhile, he was thinking about developing himself. He didn't like the idea of being too weak for the symbiote to synchronize with him, it made him feel bitter. Also he didn't understand most of what he saw happening inside his body.

Adam went to the play grounds, and stood in front of one of the monitors there, these monitors were different from the ones in the kitchen. It had a limited connection to the city network, he wanted to see how much the data analysis function can take him. He touched the monitor, and then…

[data discovered…



Irrelevant data…

Text and language extracted…]

It seemed to Adam that the symbiote is not interested in any thing that he can buy from the city, he wouldn't need to buy any thing though, he was leaving tomorrow in the hope he will never need to come back.

Though it interested him that the symbiote extracted the text and language from the network. 'if you need data, isn't there books for sell on the network! Why are you not interested in them' Adam wondered.

[available data analysis target in current state include…

Digital data…

Quantum data…

Biological data…

Direct data projection available for irrelevant data…

Direct data projection is not Advised…]

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