My husband misunderstands me

(Mona POV)

I met him, my husband, Akito, for the second time a day after we met again.

I was attending a meeting with my father. It was between the heads of the Kusanagi group and Kanehaya group.

The venue was a hotel that Kanehaya group owns. We arrived at the venue and entered the room.

And I saw him again. This time he is dressed properly like a good salaryman. It kinda suits him but his red hair messed it up. I gave a light nod and take my seat with my father.

He was standing next to Kanehaya group head. I was thinking of many things when I noticed a girl. A high school girl was sitting next to Mr. Kanehaya.

He said that she’s is daughter. So both group heads are present with their heirs. But what’s up with her?

She is pinching Akito and he is just tolerating it. Why doesn’t he say something?

And the meeting began. My father asked him about who Akito was?

But Mr. Kanehaya answered it kinda weirdly. Why does Akito have to succeed the Kanehaya group? And Akito gave a humble refusal
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