Cruel Slander


David could finally enter the store. The moment he entered, all the gazes of the people in the same room immediately turned to look at him. Including Lily, as well as his mother-in-law. But his mother-in-law looked at him like she didn’t know him at all. David knew for a fact that his mother-in-law would be very embarrassed if everyone thought she had come with David, whose appearance was so unseemly enough to come in here. With the naked eye, everyone could see from his appearance that he was not someone from the upper class who could shop in a luxurious place like this.

“Excuse me sir, can I help you?” David looked at the saleswoman. From the look on her face, David could tell she was pretending to be friendly. The frown on her forehead, and the stare, as well as her smile that seemed very forced, showed that she didn’t like David’s presence here.


“David!” An exclamation with a high enough tone stole everyone’s attention.

“What’s wrong, Onyx?” the saleswoman asked Onyx
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