Chapter 2: Fakes

Vana's POV

The bandits dashed around me, grabbing me by the arm as they haul me along with the rest of the hostages. My hands were tied behind by back, sitting down along with the passengers as the bandits surround us from all direction.

Wails and cries of children teared up next to me. I could feel the growing dread and fear in every passenger in the lounge. Their bodies shook from the danger they are facing, their heads lowering to the ground as they panic in their spots.

“How are things in this lounge?” another man’s voice asked, a man entering inside the lounge.

The man had a lousy posture, wearing a sleeveless hoodie and cargo pants that resembled my brother’s style. Too similar, in fact, that I suspected that it was him at first. The man had the same blonde hair as the woman from earlier.

Are they related to each other? Are they the leader of the gang?

I moved at the very back of the passengers, leaning back on the wall as I gaze at the man from afar. I observed him, noticing his appearance and features, trying to find any hints of who they are. At least give me a name.

“Boss, we have complete control over here,” the bandits in charge in the lounge answered, stepping forward.

“W-who are you people? How dare you do such a thing? Do you know who I am?” one of the passengers dared to exclaim, calling their attention. And that is definitely a very bad idea.

One of the barons in the south of Ashern, talking right now and in front of the most probably candidate to be the leader of the bandits. It’s a bad decision to make in this kind of situation. He may be a baron and a noble, but his status is nothing but a laughing stock in this situation.

“I think you’re the one who doesn’t know who he’s talking to, oh privileged one,” the man mused, a grim smile curling in his lips. He stepped forward towards us, leaning closer to the baron.

“And who are you supposed to be?” the baron asked, clearly clueless of his actions.

The man laughed hysterically, his voice resounding across the lounge. “I’m sorry, I should really introduce myself, don’t I?” the man said. “My name is Storm Farasol, one of the heroes of the War between Darkness.”

My eyes widened in shock and dumbfounded, my jaw dropping on the floor. I can’t help but scoff, almost snorting loudly. I kept my laughter to myself, containing it in before it explodes. So that’s why his style reminds me so much of my brother. He was impersonating Storm, my brother.

The “fake” Storm turned his head to me. I paused, realizing he heard me snort at him. He squinted his eyes at me, knives shooting out of his eyes. I almost snicker, but swallowed it down my throat. His glower is nothing compared to what my brother gives me most of the time.

Rather than sending shivers down my spine, it gave me goosebumps of laughter.

“What are you snorting at, lady? What’s your name?” the fake Storm asked, giving me an annoyed look.

“Nothing. And my name is Vanessa,” I said. My name isn’t Vanessa. My name is Vana. Vana Farasol. And I’m not risking revealing who I am even if my life is in danger.

“You don’t seem to be afraid of me,” the fake Storm replied, raising a brow.

“I’m used to danger, you see. Especially when the cold always follows me around,’ I mused, hinting that I can use magic.

The fake Storm doesn’t seem to follow my words, lost and confused as he thinks about it. He dismissed it, turning away as he heads back to where he initially came from. He came from the lower lounge, but stayed out of our lounge instead of heading back to the lower lounge.

“Hey, what’s your goal?” I called, asking him for he exits the door.

The fake Storm heard me, bobbing his head at my direction. He considered answering my question, pivoting back inside the room as he stares at me with a nasty gaze.

“Do you know where we’re at, Vanessa?” the fake Storm asked.

“En route to mainland Ashern’s harbor, Aeseon, through the border between all four kingdoms,” I answered.

“Exactly, why? Because we plan to ransom money from all four kingdoms,” the fake answered, grinning at me.

Ah, for money. I should have known, But the way their attack has been elaborately planned made me doubt his words. The fake Storm and the woman earlier don’t seem to be the intelligent type. All I ever hear them say are orders for their men.

“Who’s your leader?” I asked, trying to take as much information out of them.

“I work for no one. Why would a war hero like me work for anyone?” the fake Storm snarled, gagging.

At least that bit of him is accurate to my brother’s personality. He doesn’t work for anyone. And if he does, then that person had his respect and is probably a friend of his.

“Then why our ship, and not some other ship?” I continued to ask.

“You seemed very curious about us, lady. Since you’re so interested, I’ll answer your question,” the fake mused. “This ship is made by the richest business man of our time, Reynolds McValeri,” he stated.

“If we were to communicate to any of the four kingdoms, only his ships can do that,” he explained. “Not to mention, I could get money from Reynolds, himself, as well.”

How did he know that the ship belongs to Reynolds McValeri. Only a select few knows that Reynolds McValeri sponsored the travel expenses of the people who joined the academy event. And the ship doesn’t even have his name or his business written anywhere on the ship.

And I only knew of that fact because my professor had told me about it.

Music rang in the air as a wave of aura streamed out of the fake Storm’s direction. His brows crunched, picking up a lacrima on his pocket. It was a communication lacrima. But that’s odd. Why would someone call him in the middle of their job?

He answered the call from the lacrima, moving away from us as his attitude changes. He was stern and boastful a moment ago. Now, he looks obedient and loyal like a dog. My eyes trailed to where he went, gazing at his expression to try and deduce him.

His face contorted as he nods one second after the other. His shoulders straightened, lowering a bow every time he nods. He had an awkward smile on his face, almost as if was being forced into something.

My eyes caught glimpse of his arm as the wind flare outside the lounge. It swept up his sleeves for a moment, giving me a glimpse of a tattoo in his arm. I squinted my eyes as I try to get a better look at it, realizing it was an emblem and not a tattoo. An emblem of a guild.

I can form a shape out of the glimpse I saw. It was a flag and a ship. It also has the four symbols of the four kingdoms. The guilds that are allowed to have those symbols are the guilds that are regulated directly by the government or by the royals.

“It can’t be…” I murmured, my head spiraling out of control as I thought of where I saw the emblem. “That’s the emblem of Clashing Seasons.”

But why would a member of the Clashing Seasons be hijacking and ransoming from the four kingdoms? And even going as far as disguising themselves as my brother, Storm?

The Clashing Seasons are one of the only guilds that work with all the four kingdoms’ royals and government. Besides Red Magus, who have gained a higher status after the war, Clashing Seasons is also one of the guilds that served as diplomats for the four kingdoms.

If Red Magus is in-charge of the military and defense power of the four kingdoms, Clashing Seasons is in-charge of the economic growth and trade industry of the four kingdoms.

So why are they doing this?

I ended up staring at the fake Storm, eventually snapping back to reality as I realize the situation that I am currently in. I’m sure that they are on communication with the four kingdoms at any moment now, negotiating with them to get what they want.

The four kingdoms would have to decide who will hand and give them the money, which can lead to a conflict between kingdoms. Not to mention if the kingdoms suspect that someone from the other kingdoms are using the Clashing Seasons for their benefit. I can’t help but think that they were also planning to start another war between kingdoms.

I need to stop them at all costs. Or at least, cease them before they fully wrap the kingdoms on their fingers.

I glanced over the window, trying to calculate how long it’ll take for us to arrive at Aeseon Harbor. We still have a few more hours before the ship arrives in Ashern. Plenty of time for me to think of a way to stop them.

If I do this, I’ll have to free the passengers, knock out the bandits surrounding us, and find the master mind behind all of this. There certainly is a mastermind. A complicated plan like this can only be concocted by someone with a smart mind.

I scoffed, feeling the rope tied around my wrist “Well, I think that a wizard boarding the ship did not cross their minds,” I mumbled.

Ropes are the easiest to break out of with magic. And once I get out of these ropes, I’ll make sure they know who the real deal is.

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