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By: Boubledouble OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 58 views: 447

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"What the fuck! Who are you?! You're the one standing at the end of the street, right? Who are you!!" "Howl." The man named Bast Howl was a guardian deity sent to protect animals on earth. Anna is a detective who investigates an unnatural death case. But in the midst of her investigation, Anna is attacked by a mysterious human figure, causing Anna to be injured. Anna is attacked by a mysterious human figure, causing Anna to get hurt. Suddenly another mysterious man came just before a sharp knife pierced his heart. Howl was sent to find out the traitor who fled to earth and echoed into a human figure who killed many humans and animals on earth. Howl and Anna share the same mission, until they decide to work together. But when the two live together, feelings of love arise between each other. This absurd love story makes them unable to be honest about their feelings. Can they solve that mysterious case? Can they be together?

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THE GOD OF GUARDIAN'S CAT Novels Online Free PDF Download

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58 chapters
Chapter 1
[2020-12-25, Christmas Eve]"This is the last …!!"The big man just threw a sack into a covered pick-up car.There were cries of a meowing cat from inside the pick-up car. So many sacks are piled up there—moving around. The two grown men seemed indifferent to the sound of crying that sounded so painful from inside the tightly bound sack.A lonely night in an abandoned warehouse and so many times a worn-out cage. Even so many blood patches on that wet, muddy floor."Tonight we're going to eat meat and soju!" said one of the men who had a tone tattoo on his left hand. Get in the car."Hurry up! The boss is waiting!"The man with the big body looks impatient to bring in all his hunting gear tonight.The old blue car started to drive in the heavy rain through a trail that only one car could pass. Along such a dark street, not one street lamp was on except for the headlights of the car headlights.The faces that are so happy will earn a lot of money after what they did for one week.But th
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Chapter 2
Suddenly his body was thrown back on a ground filled with sharp thorns. Trees similar to cactus trees reach so high, even 100 times the size on earth. So many humans without clothes are stuck to the big thorns in the cactus tree. So much blood is flowing—no one can escape that painful punishment. Sweat was shed as both eyes watched many humans die and come back to life with so much blood—it was painful just to hear his voice. "What the hell?! What is this place …!! Is this hell?" His body was again drawn up on a cactus tree. Both of his legs were shaking, looking towards the direction that the humans were trapped, and so many tiny insects were eating their bodies. He fell limp with all his fears. Wonder if he's dead and in hell right now? "Are you scared?" Howl's figure appears—walking up to him. "Who are you? You brought it to this place, didn't you?" he asked in a tone so resentful. "How does it feel to live in a place like this? It suits you." "Who are you?! Hurry and giv
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Chapter 3
[2022-08-20 — 22:30 pm] [Prohibited entry | Police line]"The team is still in the process of investigating the scene of the crime.""The victim is 25 years old, it is known that the victim is a student. The police are still investigating the case.""Recovered a man's body with a very painful wound. The police are still in the investigation phase …"Journalists from various television media covered the incident that has been troubling Seoul city residents for months. Many people came to see the scene where a man's body was found lying near the dump site of a restaurant.The police are identifying and taking some photos as evidence of the crime scene. The forensics team was so careful to take samples that could possibly find traces of the killer."It seems this is going to be a big deal.""This has been the sixth victim in the last two years, but we can't find ready to do it yet? People are already feeling uneasy about this?"The detectives responsible for the recent faceless death ca
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Chapter 4
Anna kept running because the creature kept chasing her at high speed. The wet terrain made Anna slip several times—it hindered her escape.Anna was so frightened that her mind began to think that maybe this was the end of her life, dying in the hands of a strange human being.A loud bang from the back, makes Anna bounce right off pretty far. The body hit a tree hard, so Anna fell helplessly on the ground. She tried to get up and go back to running even though the whole body was hurting so much. Anna's been battered with just one blow from the creature.The sight began to be obstructed by the heavy fog in front of her, until Anna fell into a small ravine in front of her. Anna's body rolled around freely, hitting the trees lying down. Anna's right leg was formed hard on a felled tree trunk until her body stopped at the bottom of a ravine about 20 meters deep.Her body's used to being slammed. Anna still seems to be trying to get up despite her lack of strength. She wanted to see firsth
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Chapter 5
A light came in so bright but slowly disappeared that there was a sight of a green meadow so wide, that his eyes could not believe what was before him."Woah … This is so incredible!!""You shouldn't have crossed the line …The soft voice that emerges from Anna's back turns, the mysterious man who has helped her from a strange creature—walking through it just like that. Anna still seemed confused, seeing the mysterious man walking towards the pasture until then several cats began to appear to her.Not only a few cats, but hundreds of cats began walking towards tall men, facing like princes in fairyland. Anna was amazed to see him again.When Anna just wanted to step her foot out of the door—her right leg immediately stopped, when Anna remembered the man's words, so that she wouldn't cross the line."Hello …!! "Hello!!" Anna sighed as she waved without fear.Anna seemed to believe that he wouldn't do anything bad to her. Anna waved her hand so that he could see where she was. His face
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Chapter 6
"It looks like she's gone …" Howl said.Everything seemed to calm down after the chatty woman left her house. Close your eyes while lying quietly in the meadow. It's been Howl's routine all the time. Relax with the hundreds of cats he's saved from the streets.The cats that look healthy, beautiful and clean, Howl takes care of them as best he can. They were given quality food only growing healthy.This place will not be found by anyone. There will be no one human or creature who can set this sanctuary. "Meow…"A blue-eyed black cat sits on Howl's stomach."Why?" Howl asked."Meow … meow…""She's cured. You don't have to worry." Howl replied."Meow…"The cat's voice grew louder in Howl's ear, who finally woke up from sleep with his irritated face."You don't see him, she talks a lot. I don't like humans!!" Howl said bitterly.A creature that is even bigger than a cat, Howl sulks so sulky."Meow …! Meow!"What do you mean?"Howl's facial expression seemed surprised when he heard the bl
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Chapter 7
Anna walked close to the crowd in a hut for climbers to rest, but now the hut is closed by police lines. Anna showed her identification to a police officer standing in front of the police safety line to show that she was a detective.Anna walks in with Suho while wearing gloves for safety. Their whereabouts were immediately known to captain Steven who immediately confronted Anna."Why are you here?" Steven asked with a face that seemed to hold back his anger."Captain, I must also join this investigation." Anna said."Suho! I told you, don't let him come to this place." he said firmly."I'm sorry," said Suho."Don't blame Suho. I insisted on coming, captain." Anna said, trying to plead Suho."Suho! Get him back to the hospital quickly!" Steven ordered firmly.Suho is in a confusing position. He couldn't resist the captain's orders but he couldn't force Anna to leave as the captain ordered. Anna's very stubborn nature left Suho unable to do much to prevent Anna.Steven begins to walk a
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Chapter 8
"What the hell! Don't joke! That's really not funny! I don't like horror stuff!" upset Anna."If you don't believe it, you will.""But… What's your name? I'm Anna, Jang Anna." Anna said as she reached out her hand.But his hand just hung for a few seconds. Looks like he's been turned down."Bast Howl. Just call me Howl." Howl replied, gulping down his drink elegantly.Anna was surprised to hear his name, and she started laughing because it sounded funny."Are you kidding me? You think this is Howl's Moving Castle. Ha ha! But I really liked that movie. How many times have I watched it?"Anna started talking to herself."If I'm not mistaken more than 10 times. On Christmas break I watch too! I love watching that movie." Anna said.She suddenly got carried away when she came back to remember the calmness when she watched it. But instantly his face turns serious looking at Howl while knocking over the table."Don't make it up! Tell me your real name!" Anna snapped—looking gravely."Why ar
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Chapter 9
"What the hell! Don't joke! That's really not funny! I don't like horror stuff!" upset Anna."If you don't believe it, you will.""But… What's your name? I'm Anna, Jang Anna." Anna said as she reached out her hand.But his hand just hung for a few seconds. Looks like he's been turned down."Bast Howl. Just call me Howl." Howl replied, gulping down his drink elegantly.Anna was surprised to hear his name, and she started laughing because it sounded funny."Are you kidding me? You think this is Howl's Moving Castle. Ha ha! But I really liked that movie. How many times have I watched it?"Anna started talking to herself."If I'm not mistaken more than 10 times. On Christmas break I watch too! I love watching that movie." Anna said.She suddenly got carried away when she came back to remember the calmness when she watched it. But instantly his face turns serious looking at Howl while knocking over the table."Don't make it up! Tell me your real name!" Anna snapped—looking gravely."Why ar
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Chapter 10
Anna whines like a five-year-old boy—sticking around—racing her hair until it's no longer shaped. Anna's really frustrated. Looks like his brain's been completely damaged. But Anna's uncomfortable feelings kept her thinking about a man named Howl. She also feared that the creature that almost killed her at that time would return again.Her face seemed to be reflecting all the weight in this world on both of those little shoulders."Senior! Listen to me. I'm telling you this because I respect you so much, but... Can you get some rest? I'll help you to talk to the captain so you can really rest." Suho said anxiously.Anna can only breathe, because no one will believe her words. "How's the investigation going? Is there something strange in there?" Anna ask
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