Chapter 51
Richard, Victoria and Lady Tashia returned to the Villa with Victoria booming with smiles. Lady Tashia had taken her to the grand hall she bought for their wedding ceremony and she also bought her a new car.

Victoria could not contain her joy. All this was happening to her all because she was getting married to Williams. She hated Richard so much that she couldn't wait for him to get out of her life.

"Thank you Grandma for everything," Victoria appreciated as they stepped into the house.

"You don't have to thank me. Just get married to Williams and the Weldoms will be forever grateful," Lady Tashia replied.

"Okay grandma, I love you."

"Grandma, what was the cost of that building," Richard inquired.

Victoria shoots a deadly glance at Richard. "What type of stupid questions are you asking," She fired in her thought.

"I am sorry grandma, I was only curious," Richard apologized.

"If you must know, I bought that place for the sum of one billion dollars. I don't let your curiosity g
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