chapter 58:¶ Road ninjas: searching for a demon three ¶.

Chapter 58.

¶ Road ninjas: searching for a demon three ¶.

Act 1 scene 1.

¶ Hope gathers his crew and told them about what himself and the old man saw that day with Zen and Ino doubting the fact but with Austin believing what he said ¶.

" What do you mean by dead birds been caused by a disease, I don't believe a thing you say homie ", Zen said with a soft tone and with a doubting heart.

He looks around trying to defend his statement with words against words, " why do you all just listen to me, Alvin saw this and Sir Elvis also said the same ", Hope debates with his crew.

He chuckles, " I don't believe a thing you say bro ", he taps him on his shoulder with a slight slip, " just forget it and let's just continue our mission and search for the moving demon that the road ninjas are in search for ", Zen spoke before Ino intrudes.

" Hey, you all should put your heads together here, let's see what Austin have to say about this ", Ino changes the topic looking at Austin who was locked up in a
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