Chapter Three: The three Elves

Everyday, Kelvin was trained to fight with fists, arrows, swords, but even after all those training, he is still weak to fight even a baby elf. It was as if his body was cursed from being able to fighting. The wizard was so worried about Kelvin but despite all his magics and tricks, none of it were able to make Kelvin grow stronger. And so he gave up and told Kelvin to train all the time, maybe someday, he would get stronger.

Kelvin was with his bow and arrow and he was following after disciple Bona who was taking him far away from the house to shoot at some birds or rabbits.

They got close to a tree where several birds could be seen flying and singing and then Kelvin prepared for his hunt.

"Aim correctly this time." Bona said as he pat him on the back and Kelvin drew his arrow, ready to shoot at one of the birds.

He had a bird on sight but as he was about to let go of the arrow, the bird suddenly flew causing his arrow to hit only air.

Bona sighed as he shook his head in disappointment. Kelvin saw the expression on his face and felt really sad for himself.

"I'll go get the arrow." Kelvin said as he walked off in a distance.

Another disciple who had been watching Kelvin all the time had walked towards Bona.

"What are we going to do with this kid, Silas?" Bona asked the other disciple.

"What do you mean? We would just wait till master gets an awakening spell for him. At least if he knows how to fight, we'll be able to create an artificial Elf ear he could use and we'll be able to leave this forest once and for all."

Because of Kelvin, the wizard would often stay in the forest and the disciples who had pledged to always stay by their master the Wizard, had no other choice but to be in the forest with him. Although the wizard had told them to leave without him, yet they insisted on being by his side at all time.

Some of the times, they would leave the forest for their families in the city but they will still come back to the forest.

"So, what about the ring we found yesterday? Has the master discovered anything about it yet?" Bona asked.

"No, I think it's just a ring lost by someone. Although it has this creepy feeling about it."

Kelvin had gone past the area where his arrow had fell to, as his mind was flooded with lots of thoughts. He was lost in thought that he didn't knew he was nearing some groups of elves who had came to hunt some forest animals.

The elves were three in number, and they were all males. As they were busy scheming through the forest for something they could hunt, one of them had suddenly saw an human walking towards them.

"Guys, come and see this." Gad had called his fellow friends and they had also saw that Kelvin was coming towards them. They didn't see wings on his back nor did he have Elf ears so they had concluded that he must be human.

"We can't lose this opportunity, we'll be able to sell that human for five emerald gems if we capture him. That way, we'll be able to attend the academy." Gad said and the other boys' excitement had quickly grown.

"Let's do this." 

An arrow was sent flying his way and at the last moment, Kelvin snapped out of his thought and had managed to dodge the arrow but it still sliced through his arm.

"Gosh, when did I got here?" Kelvin panicked as he started running towards the forest house but the three elves started chasing after him.

While he was running, Xin had saw a big rabbit hole and he had quickly hide himself in it. The three elves got near the rabbit hole but they couldn't see any travel of Kelvin. 

"Heck! He escaped." Gad shouted and the other two boys were angry as well.

"Now we'll not be able to enter the Mage Academy." Another lamented.

"Forget about the Academy, we didn't even have the emerald that we'll use to pay for the fees." 

"My stomach hurts." 

"Let's head for the mountains, we could find something valuable to hunt along the way." Gad said and the two elves nodded in agreement. They picked up their bows and headed for another destination.

After they were gone, Kelvin got out of his hiding as he started running towards home. But while he was trying to get out of the rabbit hole, he failed to notice that there was a cliff on his way. He fell down the cliff and his arms and hands had started bleeding. "Gosh, why is it me again?" Kelvin shouted in anger.

He stood up from where he had fell and saw that he had just appeared at the back of their forest house.

"Thank Goodness, the cliff is not too deep." Kelvin said as he dust off the dirt that was on him and then washed his bloody arms with the small of water that he found at the forest house.

Afterwards, he entered the house only to meet the wizard's angry face. The wizard was really frowning his face that it had made Kelvin's heart to start beating loudly for fear of what was going to happen next.

"You! Where have you been since?" 

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