Test 5

Meanwhile the trio, who were in a bad position were so scared that they froze for some seconds before they immediately decided to climb down as fast as possible, due to the huge size of the mammoth it was normally slow, so Nicholas, Carter and Freya decided to climb down immediately to avoid the mammoth, it was a monster they couldn't kill, and they could only avoid it when they see it.

"Let's quickly run downstairs and escape this monster before we are all flattened, the remaining monsters are already gaining on us" Nicholas screamed grabbing Freya's hand who was confused at first before a tinge of red appeared on her face, before storming downstairs.

Carter followed suit behind them running as fast as he could, he wished he had an extra pair of legs right now, 'what kind of psycho test is this?'  'they only wanted us dead or what?' Carter thought to himself, he was scared that this could be all his fault, he has been running his mouth around wanting to hog all the attention but this was not the outcome he wanted or desired.

Carter, Nicholas and Freya ran desperately downstairs, and behind them were roaches fast approaching, they arrived at the entrance of the clock tower, only to see about three Gogers trying to enter the clock tower, immediately Freya immediately took a purple ball and threw it towards the three Gogers trapping them with a golden chain.

They immediately ran outside only to meet the mammoth whom just reached the clocktower, swinging it's large trunk towards the clock tower destroying the clock tower in the midst, the huge debris came falling down.

"Everyone duck" Nicholas shouted running in zigzag motion, monsters were everywhere out in the open and Nicholas was almost out of balls and Carter who didn't know the use of each balls was throwing them out randomly, it was a fight against time, they were left with two minutes before the time would be up.

Meanwhile Ivy and Lily were still doing their pep talk in another room, they found themselves, "we would survive no matter what" Ivy said looking like there is no other option left than to survive this test that was thrown their way.

Lily was breaking down in tears no pep talk could shake her out of her delusion that they would die, any moment from now, and as if answering her wishes, an Hog Goger punched through the room they were hiding and it wasn't alone, it had two more Hog Goger behind it, they were so ugly, that was what came to Ivy's mind, on the other hand Lily's crying voice increased as if she has already given up and was waiting for her death, as if that was the only way.

"Get a fucking hold of yourself, I thought I told you that I would abandon you if you become a burden to me, and that statement still stands, you are becoming a heavy burden, a very big one for me right now" Ivy said standing in front of Lily as if shielding her from the incoming monsters, with two different colours of balls in her hands.

Lily looked at the back of Ivy, looking extremely confused and extremely touched even with her back drenched with sweat and she looked like she was breaking down like Lily was, she was still standing tall and facing the monsters head on, this gave Lily confidence again, to shook off the fear she had, they had to survive till the end or they could not be friends, she had already added Ivy to the list of her friends in her heart.

She picked up her self and said "Ivy let's get through this fucking test and become best of friends" while smiling, the monsters were not going to wait for them to have a happy conversation, so they attacked as soon as they could enter the destroyed part of the small house, that the girls were in.

Meanwhile back at Alzdaar, they were a group of people gathering but were quiet, they were watching an hologram which were showing the six children's test, it was an evaluation phase, they were all chosen but that doesn't mean there wouldn't be a leader amongst them.

"Isn't this test too easy, if it was in my time at their age surviving a horde of monster within an hour would be a piece of cake, the equipment given to them was too overkill and too much" An elf who looked like he was in his twenties said with a look that says that this test was really meaningless.

"Darius it seems you have started again, what do you expect from kids that were living a peaceful life and haven't even seen monsters before, they don't have a means to access their mana, when you were their age you were already a known mage" the Archmage was already tired of this idiotic elf that was in their midst that complains about everything, without doing anything by himself.

"Does the test determines the classes they would be put in?" another one of the people gathered said, she was what they call beastmen, the combination of a tiger and a human.

"No it doesn't, their mage attribute would determine the class they would be put in, this test is to know about their weakness, to test their braveness, to test their intelligence, their survival instincts and a way to show them a little of what they would be facing in the future" the Archmage answered without tearing his eyes away from the hologram they were using to watch them in the test, he was disappointed that one of them died and couldn't even kill a single monster before he died, that was what disappointed him the most, the one who he looked favourable at was Nicholas, he would be a good mage but he was too much of a saint, it was Carter who had the survival instincts to do anything to survive, Ivy was a special one, she makes decisions according to the situation, she isn't good to lead but she has a good head on her shoulders.

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