Chapter 6 Familiarize (1)

"I will give team 2 all the details I have, but remember do not rely solely on that because even I don't know what to expect once you guys enter the facility."

"I had even tried to send spies in that location in the past, but none of them returned alive to report back to me not even roman." When said the name roman the mouth of all retainers hung open finally able to understand the difficulty of mission.

In the past there used to be 7 retainers but one of them had died during his mission this much was known to all the retainers, but they were unaware of the specifics of the mission.

Roman was the 2nd strongest retainer in my force whose death was a big loss to my force as well as my family; yeah the retainers are all my family. Apparently because of him I got to know that the facility had the summoning circle inside it and it was no ordinary summoning circle but to summon the Dragon king.

Therefore even I couldn't make any careless move and roman was smart, he sacrificed himself befor
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