Chapter 26: The Past Traitor

Kage Rigakure in the other dimension. He was kneeling as all of a sudden there was bright light everywhere. He slowly looked up and sees a giant Dark fortress.

Suddenly a giant portal appeared underneath him and he falls into it. He got warped into a new dimension. He slowly stands as he holds his blade in his right hand menacingly. He looked around inside the dimension. He can see giant Dark oak trees in the far distance.

They were everywhere and they are strangely spread out in the open. They were massive and the height of these giant massive trees was at least a thousand feet. The dimension was massive. Suddenly he sensed someone behind him.

That made him turn around and see an unknown swordsman standing looking away in the far distance. He was showing his back at Kage Rigakure. He was wearing a coat and he looked like a normal human. It was standing on a cut dark oak tree. It was sideways and the log was massive.

"You always make such things difficult, Kage Rigakure... I can't b
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