The Legend's Behind the Mask "Swordsman's Era"

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The Legend's Behind the Mask "Swordsman's Era"

By: Cj??? CompletedFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 54 views: 2.9K

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It's about a legend who could not even be brought to his knees and feet by death. He was still standing when he died, giving his adversary chills and fear for the rest of their lives. And it wasn't just that... They fear him even more because he has left new legends to carry on his legacy.

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  • Raine Ann Leslie Padilla Omboy


    GO GO GOOO!!!

    2022-09-23 17:56:29
  • Raine Ann Leslie Padilla Omboy



    2022-09-23 17:56:17
  • Raine Ann Leslie Padilla Omboy


    Pre ft. Boi! Andito ako suport lang poor you amma try tapos tapos dis story from you yiiiiiieeeee keep up the good work with writing ahehe lab supprt prom boi na tropa mong jjmon(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠...

    2022-09-23 17:55:15
Latest Chapter
54 chapters
Chapter 1: The Start of a New Beginning
A captivating scene unfolded before them as the group of skilled swordsmen and swordswomen made their way through the dense forest of the north. Their eyes gaze at their surroundings, taking in every detail of the unfathomable landscape. Through the dense foliage, they maneuvered around a bush and a towering tree that reached towards the sky. But something caught their attention, a figure lurking in the shadows, silently following their every move. Intrigue filled the air as the adventurers tightened their grip on their katanas, ready for whatever lay ahead. Their attire was anything but ordinary. Beyond the traditional kimono, they donned fashionable coats and enigmatic masks. Each mask bore a distinctive number, revealing their rank and prowess. The leader, Agatsuma Hit, proudly wore the number 1, marking him as the forefront of courage and skill. Hashibira Kosuke, the daring second-in-command, sported the striking number 2 mask, showcasing his unwavering loyalty. Katrina, the eni
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Chapter 2: The Man Behind the Mask
He makes his way to the head's room. He was standing near the front door about to enter the room when the man in the middle of the two suddenly stood up in the distance in front of a round table. The unknown swordsman standing behind the door was unaware of Agatsuma Hit's presence. He walks in as the heads turn to look at him. There were four people in the room, plus two unknown shadow guard swordsmen hiding in the shadows. It was a large room that could fit at least a hundred people. There were two bookshelves next to the windows on the left and right sides of the room. An open window is visible behind the unknown man in the distance. There are also couches near the windows. "We expected a messenger swordsman to arrive in our village, but we guess not... Get out of here if it's not important, or say it and just leave," the man who stood up said. "Hmm! Still no shame! I thought you'd changed yourself Warui Rou one of the heads!" he snarled as he stormed into the room and came to a h
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Chapter 3: Shira Swordsman and Dark Violet Shira Swordswoman Battle 
Kiroshuku stands menacingly as the unknown swordswoman tosses an unknown person's head to the side. She comes to a halt and takes a menacing stance. She smiles at him while pointing her blade menacingly. "We meet again, I cut his head off, want to know why? Master Kiroshuku? It's so sad that every student you have died left and right," she said menacingly as she saw him furious. "I'm not running this time!" he said solemnly, pointing his blade down. He suddenly realized it was the same swordswoman who had blown up earlier. "Can she provide clones on her own? Unbelievable! The Gakures are known to be the only ones who can do it because their bloodlines are unimaginable, from being a normal kid to becoming a legend, or even above it... But there are only a couple of Gakure's left on this world and they need to be protected," Kiroshuku thought as he stepped on his right foot and vanished. He appeared behind her and was about to swing down her blade when a massive violet barrier wall a
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Chapter 4: The Messenger Swordsman
Fudo Toka was standing on Kiroshuku's right as he approached a three-story residence. The sun was shining brilliantly up in the sky, and the sound of birds chirping could still be heard. She was holding her teddy bear and hugging it tightly with her right hand, while her left hand was holding Kiroshuku's right hand and she stared at the front gate in front of her. "Is he not here? Come on! I tho—" he interrupted himself as he noticed the door to the house open in the distance. He notices a swordsman walking out of the house and his eyes widen as he recognizes Kiroshuku. "Kiroshuku! I didn't sense you sorry! I thought you'd arrive later!" the unknown man exclaimed as he dashed to the gate and opened it. "Your coat, what happened?" he asked, opening the gate and stepping aside to make room for them both. They walk through the grass and along a stone-patterned path to his house. "The unknown that I fought didn't even faze her, she's completely on another level, but it appears that I
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Chapter 5: The Dimensional Beings
Kiroshuku was walking toward Fudo Toka as he noticed her smiling and laughing while playing with her teddy bear. She was content alone as he turned around and heard thunderclaps in the skies. "A perfect day for an ambush or a war, thunderstorm," he reflected as he returned his gaze to Fudo Toka, who was now staring at him. "Fudo, you'll keep this sword of mine, later on, I remember you using it at the age of 4, now you're 12 you can do it! I'll find someone's sword and hold it! But for now, I'll hold it, we're evacuating!" he said as Fudo Toka let go of her teddy bear and hugged him, and the ground beneath them began to shake. "They're here!" he exclaimed, shocked, as Fudo Toka let go of him. He carries him with both hands and then leaps into the air while carrying her. She holds tightly of her teddy bear with her left hand. Suddenly, they can now see half of the village. She feels claustrophobic as she looks down. She closes her eyes and hugs her teddy bear, and Kiroshuku clutch
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Chapter 6: The Real Deal!
"I'm shivering? What is this? Who is he? I'm shivering because of fear and I can't move! Is this a technique...? No, this is an Aura that made me stop moving!" he thought as he looked around and saw the Red Dark Shira Swordsman standing menacingly on a warp portal with a demon aura around him. "You! You defeated my soldier, you seemed not powerful huh! I can't believe such a human is born with great talented power like swordsmanship," the unknown menacingly remarked in a gloomy voice. "Who are you? What do you want?" he said, standing on his ground, his entire body shivering. Similarly, his hands and the wind that surrounding him were blown away a second ago. "What do I want? And who am I? Well, I'm just a man named Red... And all I want is to destroy this village at any cost," he replied as the warp portal he was standing on abruptly closed and he fell gently to the ground. He notices himself stepping on grass. "Destroy this village at all costs? And what kind of benefits are
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Chapter 7: The Unknown Shadow
Domei and Blue are both standing with their eyes wide open. The sky has totally darkened, but the sword on their left waist continues to gleam brightly in the dark, allowing them to discern shadows in the distance. "They suddenly appeared! What do we do? Do we fight?!" Domei says calmly. As he looked into the distance, he seemed to be whispering to Blue on his right side. He was still holding his sword in his right hand, allowing him to notice the sudden shadow in the distance. "If we don't have a choice," Blue replied calmly as he glanced around and sensed more incoming and was likely to surround them if they stayed longer than minutes. The shadow in the distance transforms into a human form with a sinister aura. A dark aura was created by a shadow. They both see that they are not looking at a human, but rather something that appears to be a human. "Perhaps I'll take care of it and take Fudo Toka to the west to get the message," Domei stated, drawing the attention of Fu
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Chapter 8: Red Thunder
Agatsuma Hit was about to fall to the ground when a massive wind blew up from behind him. He turns around to watch Kiroshuku fly a massive monster above the skies. That amazed and scared him as he saw Kiroshuku standing menacingly and his wound stopped bleeding. "Hmmm! Every master has a trump card, and they don't stop there... They can have no limits if they're fighting for someone," Agatsuma Hit reflected as he continued to fly up and toward the north wind village's gate. Suddenly, hundreds more Shurikens appeared in the distance, charging towards him at high speeds and twirling in the air. He raises his blade in front of him, and the air around him begins to vibrate. "Red thunder!" he yelled, and all of a sudden he vanished and transformed into thunder, striking hundreds of Shurikens down. He emerged out of nowhere on the ground, treading on the massive vines. He looks around and notices three unknowns standing on a big vine, each holding an 8-foot-long sword in their right ha
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Chapter 9: War
Agatsuma Hit and Katrina jumped up again and touched down the big vine as they glanced down and saw the giant dark monstrous terrible creature rise from the ground to the top. It suddenly destroyed the enormous vine that stood there. They both flew up and landed on a massive tree branch. They are both enraged, holding their swords menacingly in their right hand as they glance down. "War has gone out! The fifth army and the fourth army are moving to every exit or entrance inside the village! Thousands of civilians are also being evacuated, and we don't see the heads of the north wind!" she said as she looked down and the air began to vibrate around them. He looked to his right and saw Agatsuma Hit closing his eyes and prepare to fly down. It was suddenly cut short when the wind blew at them both from behind. That caused them both to spin around in the middle of the air, where they saw Kiroshuku and the Red Dark Shira Swordsmen fighting in the air with blazing eyes. By just swingi
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Chapter 10: Out of League
Their blades are still colliding, and the ground on which they stand is being demolished and has large fissures. They were standing on a dark fluid and a dome. Kuraku was standing on it, while flames erupted from the ground around them both. Kuraku's blade developed cracks all of a sudden. He crouched even more as a warp portal emerged beneath him, and the flames that surrounded them both went out. Kuraku vanished in the same way as the warp hole vanished. Agatsuma Hit lands and becomes enraged once again. "You coward! Are you afraid your proplica twin blade will break?! Look at me fighting you! Playing with you!" Agatsuma Hit said angrily as he glanced around for Kuraku. Kuraku walked out of a warp gate that appeared suddenly behind him. He detects it, which causes him to turn around and notice something weird behind the warp hole. It was his world's clear sky. "He warps back to my world?! Tsk...! If I slip in there, I would survive and get out of this stronghold dimension, thi
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