089 - The Cavern Of The Dead
Leia decides to split the group, leaving Dino and Hannah to stay at the junction to prevent any rat monsters to approach them. Zack, Bascha and Leia go to the left, while the rest are going to the other small tunnel.

With Dino and Hannah keep preventing the other rat monsters to enter that small tunnel, those few mole monsters are not that hard to handle by the others.

“Is that the Key Fragments you told before?” asks Zack to Leia as Leia picks a certain crystal dropped by the Huge Mole monsters they have slain.

“Yeah. I don’t know how much of this fragment we need since we haven’t found the gate of the trial dungeon yet. But this is a proof, that there is one trial dungeon in this area,” Leia explains.

It doesn’t take that long, not even 15 minutes, they both get back to where Dino and Hannah are. And in the next two hours, they have explored all the three parts of the ruin and collect three key fragments.

Until they reach the deepest part of the ruins and find the dungeon’s gate
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