
While small and dingy on the outside, The Trout's Gills was surprisingly large when it came to the accommodation section of the building.

Finding Garrick, however, was a simple task.

All Alexei needed to do was follow his ears and his nose.

Down at the end of the corridor, a solitary light glimmered out of a door, and behind it, he could smell a fish stew bubbling away atop a stove.

There was no doubt in his mind that this was the location of Garrick.

As a member of the Initiates Alexei had been taught manners and respect with strict punishments if they weren't given, so instead of storming into the kitchen that Garrick was working in Alexei politely knocked.

Then he waited…

And waited some more…

Eventually, when he felt that he really had waited enough time, he knocked on the door a second time.

There was still no response from within the kitchen.

With a huff, Alexei resolved to just enter the kitchen anyway, what was the worst that could happen?

Fortunately, after months upon months of training as an Initiate, Alexei's reflexes had been honed to a razor-sharp point.

If they hadn't been he would have found himself with a six-inch-long kitchen knife embedded in his chest.

As it was, he managed to duck out of the way of the incoming sharp and pointy object.

Instead of being embedded within Alexei, the blade clattered to the floor in the hallway.

"Ain't you ever heard of knockin'!" Cried out the gruff old voice of Garrick.

"I did knock!" Alexei yelled back, "In fact, I knocked twice just to make sure! Who throws knives at someone just because they don't knock anyway?"

Alexei poked his head around the door, ready to duck out of the way just in case Garrick wanted to send any more kitchen instruments hurtling through the air at his head.

Though, upon seeing who had done the knife throwing, Alexei quickly realised why he hadn't been heard.

Garrick was a gnome who seemed to be very very old. His head was completely bald, and his long beard was tucked up in a hairnet that had been pulled tightly against his chin.

The wizened gnome took a gnarled pinkie finger and dug about in one of his ears, "Eh, must be losing the ol' hearing in me ol' age then," Garrick said, "Sorry abou' that."

Alexei shook his head in disbelief.

This crazy old gnome wanted to be forgiven with a simple apology? After throwing a knife at his head?

"It's… It's fine," Alexei said, he still needed a place to stay after all.

"So, wotcher doing coming back into my kitchens anyway? If youse want an order, yah need to take it up with the bar," Garrick said, turning back to his bubbling pot to give it a stir.

"Uh, the barkeep actually sent me back here," Alexei explained, "She said that I was free to have room twelve and that you'd fix me with some stew if I asked."

Garrick lifted a bush eyebrow, "She said tha' did she? Well, she must really like you for some reason."

The gnome shrugged and began to pour Alexei a bowl of warm fish stew, pairing it with a couple of slices of bread that had been well buttered.

Alexei couldn't stop the grumbles from his stomach.

"Ah, you do sound hungry lad," Garrick said, giving Alexei a full on toothy grin, not that the old gnome had all that many teeth left.

"Yeah… it's been a long day, not one of my best," Alexei said, taking the bowl from the gnome as it was offered.

"Really? But wasn't today the day of the ceremony? Most of you human lot get all excited about that light show, don't 'cha?"

Alexei was relieved.

It was clear that the old gnome had no idea who he was, whether that was because his eyesight was shot in his old age or because he really didn't care about the ceremony he didn't know, and frankly he didn't care either.

"Yeah, the ceremony was today," Alexei said, "Didn't really work out well for me though. Wasn't quite what I expected it to be, anyway."

Alexei had never been good at lying, so he decided to hide inside the truth instead. The ceremony had certainly not gone the way he had wanted it to.

"Very fair, young man. Very fair indeed," The gnome nodded sagely, "Anyway, we'd best get you up to your room before your stew goes cold. Nothing worse than a cold fish stew, I can tell you that much."

Alexei's stomach grumbled again, seemingly agreeing with Garrick that the time for talking was over.

The gnome grabbed a set of keys from the counter and waddled out of the kitchen, wincing with every step.

He didn't know how old the gnome was, but it definitely seemed like they were long past their prime.

Alexei's room wasn't far from the kitchen, though, so the old gnome didn't have very far to walk.

"Right, this key 'ere is the one that unlocks your door," Garrick said, sliding a key off of the keyring and slotting it into the keyhole, "Wards let us know if you're in when the housekeeper comes around, so don't worry about anyone rushing in while you're in your nuds. I'll leave you be to enjoy your soup."

The gnome began to waddle back in the direction of the kitchen, leaving the key in its lock.

"Thanks, Garrick," Alexei said, smiling genuinely for the first time since his ceremony had gone so wrong.

The gnome didn't react, instead opting to stoop down and pick up the knife that he had previously thrown at Alexei's head. His hearing truly was terrible.

His smile faded as quickly as it had arrived Alexei let himself into his room. It was a simple fare with a single bed, a mirror, a cupboard and a desk.

It almost reminded him of his room back at the academy.

But he had to banish those thoughts. Banish them, eat his soup, and go to bed. Because this was his life now, and he'd never grace the halls of the academy or see the other Initiates ever again.

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