Healing Wish

Getting out of the underground labyrinth was easier than getting into it.

Risa’s magery trail had held up even through her fight with the Proto Lord, and it acted as a shining beacon that they were able to follow out of the tunnels.

What Alexei quickly realised was that Risa was far more injured than she was letting on.

As they wound their way through the darkness she still couldn't move her right arm, and she was limping heavily on her left leg. She was also trying to keep herself from whimpering any time she jostled her arm but was doing a spectacularly bad job at it.

Alexei felt a surge of relief as they clambered back up the steep chasm that led down into the pits of the mining system and out into the dwindling daylight.

“They probably won’t have a medic at the town, but we can ask,” Alexei said, “If they don’t, I’m taking you right back to Alandria, I don’t care about the Assassins Guild, making sure you’re safe is more important.”

“Don’t be stupid,” Risa grunted, “I’m not
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