Chapter 44 - Only For a Second -2-
Inoyva shifting his gaze following Cai's movements. Concluding and finalizing her seat, Cai sat down. Calmly, she gestured her body to a comfortable position. But, still seemed uncomfortable.

"Are you alright…?"


"Is it that?"


Cai's face developed beads of sweat, something was amiss. Quickly, Inoyva pulled out a plastic bag out of his backpack. It gave a whipping sound, when opened.

For others gazing around or listening to constant voices exchanging sentences and words to form conversation, it was quite normal. Normal, indeed.

What little did they know. Inoyva activated his Amadioha to cloak his image and Cai's. He did so probably due to that Cai was hurling in a plastic bag.

A old classic! Getting a stomach ache whilst riding in a motor vehicle was an unpleasant event for most people. Caused by a miscommunication of the eyes and the sensation of moving.

Looking outside was a sure fire way to remove possibilities of this happening. Since if a stationary object o
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