Chapter 8: The Haunted Six Years Ago!

"I am Jonathan Wang."

Adela's face darkened so instantly that it was noticeable. Her expression was a complicated mix of bitterness and resentment.

The name "Jonathan Wang" had appeared countless times in her six-year-long nightmare!!

"It's you!!!"

She used to be a Lofty Lady, but everything was destroyed by this man, Jonathan!

She was mocked by people, banished by her family, and despised by her relatives!

She and her mother have been living meekly in this cold city, like two homeless dogs, for six years.

At this moment, Adela's eyes were bloodshot, filled with fury.

"It's me." Jonathan admitted.

You can't escape some things, and he knew he had to face them.

Back then, he violated her while trying to save her. Although he had hurt her, it was also the truth.


"Go away! Get away from me, as far as possible, and never appear before me again! My mother doesn't need your help! Go away..."

Adela slapped him with a force that seemed to have come from the sky, and she screamed in sheer anguish.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as though she was venting all the resentment and fury accumulated over the past six years.

Jonathan remained silent.

He had anticipated this reaction.

After a moment's consideration, he quietly left.

She needed peace.

As Jonathan's figure disappeared, Adela collapsed in tears. The sound of her sobbing was heartbreaking.

Ring ring ring.

Her phone rang.

Adela answered the phone, and a menacing voice came from the other end: "Adela, meet me at the A&Y bar tonight!"

"Joe, please give me a few days. I will pay you back in full!"

Dominic Joe's voice was highly intimidating: "How will you pay me back now that you are only worth a little? Adela, I lent you the money just to sleep with you. Follow me obediently, and we'll consider the debt settled. If not, let's see what I will do to your mother!"


Dominic Joe hung up before Adela could respond.


The streetlights had just come on.

A&Y Bar.

Dominic Joe, a notorious loan shark, was drinking with his henchmen in a private room.

"Boss, what if Adela doesn't show up?"

Dominic Joe's sinister face broke into a cold smile: "The thing Adela cares about the most is her mother. She'll come!"

"Ha ha ha, then the boss will enjoy beauty tonight!"

"Boss, Adela is stunning. After you're done, could you let me..."

Dominic Joe cast a salacious gaze: "Ha ha, rest assured, after I've had the meat, you guys can at least sip on the soup!"

"Boss, a toast to you!"

The underlings all displayed lascivious smiles. The thought of Adela elicited a delicious anticipation, indeed a treasure!

Bang bang!

At that moment, the door swung open.

Jonathan, dressed in a blue vest, strolled in with a composed demeanor.

Dominic Joe's crowd fell silent.

Dominic lowered his glass, his face darkened: "Buddy, are you in the wrong room?"

"If you don't want to ruin my good mood, get out!"

"Is this guy blind? Can't he see the room number?"

The underlings started to hurl insults.

But to everyone's surprise, Jonathan, unaffected by their words, took a seat and casually crossed his legs.

"Dominic Joe?"

"You looking for me?".

Dominic's face became guarded. This guy wasn’t lost; he was here for him.

"Adela owes you two million USD in high-interest loans?" Jonathan inquired coldly.

Dominic understood. His smile returned.

He arrogantly stated: "Kid, are you stepping in for Adela? But if you know who I am, you should know you shouldn't do this! Money isn't the issue; I want to sleep with Adela! I advise you, there are people you shouldn't offend!"

"Are you sure about that?" Jonathan asked his eyes icy cold.

"Damm it, get him!"

Seeing this, Dominic Joe knew it was time for action.

He sprung to his feet, calling his underlings to attack.


Jonathan swiftly stood, landing a kick into Dominic Joe’s stomach. The sudden force knocked him back onto the couch, screaming in pain.

He then swiftly moved towards the approaching underlings.

All four underlings in the room were dealt with in a short time.

Jonathan leaned in close to Dominic, his eyes icy cold: "Now what?"

The fact that one man could easily handle many caused Dominic Joe to panic: "I’ll tell you this, this is Stephen Richard’s A&Y bar. If you mess around here, you're dead meat!"

Jonathan sneered: "All this commotion in the room, and nobody cares, aren't you observant?"

Dominic Joe turned pale.

This meant that even the A&Y bar wouldn't dare to interfere with this young man's actions.

He was dealing with a formidable opponent.

"Brother, no, boss, I was wrong! The four million USD, no, two million USD that Adela owes me, I won’t take it! Let’s forget about this!"

Dominic Joe was a sensible person. If he can’t beat him, there is no need for the interest.

"Hand me the debt note!"

"Edgar, quickly get the debt note for him!"

One of the underlings hastily handed over Adela's debt note.

Jonathan accepted it, took a glance, then placed it into his pocket.

He didn’t bother looking at Dominic anymore and turned his attention to the underlying named Edgar.

He asked indifferently: "You're Dominic Joe's underling?"

Under his direct gaze, Edgar Jacob was sweating profusely: "Yes, yes!"

"Dominic Joe, if you dare to touch Adela, you will pay a heavy price. Now I give you a choice, starting tomorrow, Dominic must disappear from this city. If not..."

Jonathan paused momentarily, the corner of his mouth curved up, gently uttering: "Everyone in this room will vanish from this city. Your choice."

With that, he left the room.

"Are you cornering us?!!"

Dominic was horrified, and this youngster wasn't leaving them anyway out!

However, right after that, everyone in the room turned pale.

"Young master!"

The door opened, and the owner of the A&Y bar, Stephen Richard, stood upright at a corner.

After the youngster left, he glanced at the room and followed closely behind the young man.


Even a significant figure like Stephen Richard had to call this young man 'young master' a way respectfully.

"Boss, sorry! Your death is better than all of us dying!" All the minions looked at Dominic Joe, their eyes fierce.


In a short time, an anguished cry was heard from the room.

Half an hour later.

Adela anxiously arrived outside the A&Y bar, her hands tightly clutching the corner of her pale purple shirt, her lips tightly pursed.

She knew what would happen if she went in, but for her mother, she had no choice but to go in.

As she was about to enter the A&Y bar, she saw a figure living on the side of the road, which she found very suspicious.

"Jonathan Wang?"

Why was he here? But it had nothing to do with her.

With a heavy heart, Adela stepped in, about to enter the bar, when suddenly, seven or eight people came out.

"Something's happened, something's happened!"

"Dominic Joe's legs are crippled!"

"Ha ha, the wicked will certainly receive their retribution!"

Adela was shocked. Was Dominic beaten to the point of having broken legs?

She quickly pulled someone over, anxiously asking: "Everyone says Dominic's legs are broken. What happened?"

The person said: "I don't know either. I just heard that a young man in a blue vest came looking for Dominic and caused a scene. I don't know what happened, but Dominic's broke his legs!"

Adela opened her mouth wide in disbelief.

She looked in the direction where Jonathan was going. Could it be him? Wasn't he wearing a blue vest?

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