Chapter 8

“Captain, these are the files you requested for” Stephany said walking into Adan’s office.

“Okay, thanks” Adan said 

“What are you doing Sir?” Stephany asked, looking into Adan’s laptop

“Just something I’m working on” Adan replied still focused on his work

“Huh? Why are you going through the gas explosion of three years ago in Danima” Stephany asked

“You know about that incident?” Adan asked surprised

He thought just a few people knew about it. Especially since Swart and Philips covered up everything. No one talked about the gas explosion and even he didn’t know of it. Though he too was serving as a trainee for the CIA at that time the explosion happened but he didn’t hear any news of it. It was almost as if people spoke about it for only one day and then forgot about it.  

“Yeah, I lost my cousin, Daniel in the incident, remember?” Stephany said

“Yeah, yeah I do, was he in that incident too?” Adan asked

“Yeah, he was. It was very suspicious for 355 persons to be wiped out at once without any trace at all, right?” Stephany asked

“I have a few questions to ask about the incident” Adan said

“Sure Sir, you can ask me anything and my Auntie too really wants to know about what it was that happened but since people don’t talk about it she’s too scared to bring up the topic” Stephany said as he sat

“So, this Daniel; your cousin I mean. He joined the Defense academy then partook in the military training and within months the explosion happened and he died” Adan said

“Yes, it was very surprising plus in his room in the dormitory, only four seriously burnt bodies were found and they are 5 of them in that room” Stephany stated

“5 you say” Adan asked

“Yeah, when I called him once he narrated everything to me about how they lived at the training centre” he replied

“What was the identity of the four bodies found? Was no DNA test conducted? No autopsy?” Adan asked

“No DNA was conducted and no autopsy as well, the Defense Academy buried them fast before the news could get to the families of the deceased” Stephany said

“The location where they were buried, do you know where it is?” Adan asked Stephany

“Who, Sir?” Stephany asked

“The trainees involved in the gas explosion” Adan answered

“I could request for it” Stephany said

“Thank you Stephany” Adan smiled

“You’re welcome Sir, anytime, you can ask me anything” Stephany said as Adan took out his car keys

“Are you going out Sir?” Stephany asked

“Yes, I’ve got to question Swart, Adan said, and when I get back we are going to the site where those trainees were buried three years ago” he added

“Yes Sir, I’d get everything ready before you get back” Stephany said as he walked out with Adan.

Adan had gotten new information and he was itching to question Swart about it. He wondered how the family of the deceased trainees were able to identify their children and bury them if they were all burnt beyond recognition and their ID’s were destroyed. It could only take an insider in the training center to do all that. He barged into Swart’s office. No knocking this time around because Swart was a criminal and soon he was going to be able to prove it.

 “Minister!” Adan said on seeing Swart

“Oh! Adan Robertson, you are here often” Swart said as he went through some files while signing them

“Didn’t I tell you I would be seeing you often since I’m investigating Philips death?” Adan asked as he sat down without waiting to be told

“I’m very busy right now; Robertson so I think maybe you should leave and come back later?” Swart suggested

“No, I won’t leave until I get what it is I came for” Adan stated

“You have gotten more rude than the last time I saw you” Swart said

“Really? Thank goodness then” Adan said

“What do you want now?” Swart asked getting impatient. If there was anything he hated it was being interrupted when working.

“Why were you involved in the death of those trainees?” Adan asked

“Was it to get into this position you now occupy?” he added

“Are we back to that topic?” Swart asked taking off his specs

“Yeah, we are back to that” Adan replied

“I wasn’t involved in it” Swart said

“Oh yeah! But I hear that you were in the office when the bombing of the training centre was discussed” Adan said

“And Philips was present too, just after your discussion with the person we haven’t identified yet, you and Philips left the training centre” he added

“Should I tell you what happened next? The so called gas explosion”

“Who told you that?” Swart asked

“Oh come on, you were and are in the force right now, right, so you know I can’t disclose my informant’s name” Adan answered

“Everything that happened on that day three years ago, I; Adan Robertson will reveal it all” Adan stated as he stood up and made for the door.

“Why are you interested in this case so much?” Swart asked

“Is it because of Philips death?” he added

“That son of a bitch Philips?” Adan asked

“No, it’s not because of him, but because of someone else” he answered

“Who is this person?” Swart asked

“It’s none of your business, Minister” Adan replied and walked out

“God, he spoils my entire day once he comes in with this three years ago story” Swart said as he placed his head in his hands

Adan walked into the parking lot where he kept his car and contacted Stephany. He had watched and listened to more video and audio files Philips had in his possession and heard fragments of the discussion before the bombing. He really didn’t know what it was the people in the office had said but he just took a wild guess. Swart didn’t counter what he said again and it meant his guess was right. It was a bombing. Not a gas explosion

“Stephany, did you get everything set?” Adan asked over the phone

“Yes Sir, I’d text you the address now” Stephany said over the phone

“Okay” Adan replied as he ended the call and got into his car. Immediately he got into the car he saw someone in the car opposite him staring at him so intensely. But the person was putting on dark shades so he couldn’t see the face clearly.

Then it hit him. Nada!

She immediately drove off with the aim of getting him to follow her. And sure enough he began to follow her like a cat chasing a mouse.

“Come on Adan, you need driving lessons” Nada said as she began to swerve through cars

“What the fuck!” Adan exclaimed as he almost hit another car while trying to keep up with her

“Hey! You want a fierce ride? I’ll give it to you” Adan said as he began to gain on her

Adan had no idea that they had completely gone out of the road and were in the woods because he was so immersed in the race with Nada. Finally she stopped in the middle of the woods and put on her mask before she got down from her car.

“Hey there!” she waved at Adan

Adan came down from his car and looked around, now conscious of his surroundings.

“It’s been a long time sugar, don’t you think?” Nada said as Adan continued to look around

“Oh, don’t worry, I wanted us to be in a quiet place before you begin to scream in public ‘Hold her, she’s Philips killer!’ I wouldn’t like that” she said

“So you are aware that what you did was wrong, right?” Adan asked

“It wasn’t wrong, Nada replied, you know, I am not through with what I wanna do yet so I’m just trying to be careful” she added

“Is that why you put on a mask or black shades when you are around me?” Adan asked

“If you put it that way it would make you sound special” Nada said

“But yes, since you already know me and who I killed. The least I can do is hiding my facial feature right?” she added

“Why did you bring me here?” Adan asked

“Hahahahahaha…” Nada laughed

“I didn’t bring you here love, you came here on your own” Nada said

“What do you mean by that? You were in the car, you began to drive away and then I…” Adan said but stopped when realization hit him that he had indeed followed her.

“Sorry, I can’t hear you, Nada said, you what?” She asked

“Okay, I followed you” Adan said feeling stupid

“Gosh, you’re so cute Adan” Nada said

“You followed me here without realizing you did” she added

Suddenly a message got into Adan’s phone and as he looked into the screen Nada got into her car quickly and sped off. It was Stephany and he had sent the address of the burial ground.

“Oh crap! Where is she now?” Adan asked himself when he realized she had left

“Hello? Stephany I’m on my way now, get the tractors ready, now” he spoke in to his phone

“Sir, I’ve already done that” Stephany replied

“Okay, I’ll be right there” Adan said as he started the car and drove outs

He got to the grave site and found an entire field filled with tombstones. The tractors were already ready to begin digging and he was one step closer to figuring out what truly happened three years ago

“Okay, are you all ready?” Adan asked as he got down from his car

“Yes Sir” Stephany answered

“Okay then get to work” Adan said to the tractors as they began to exhume the graves

After three tiring hours all the bodies were exhumed.

“All are exhumed Sir” Stephany announced

“Alright, call the forensic to come and examine the bodies” Adan said

“Sir, a contractor called out, come look at this” he said to Adan

“What’s wrong?” Adan asked walking towards him

“I found six caskets empty” the man said

Stunned, Adan walked to the various caskets and saw they were empty.

“What are the names of these caskets that were found empty?” Adan asked

“The names are Dana, Cathy, Jasmine, Izzy and Chelsea and the other one secluded is with the name; Daniel” someone answered by looking at the caskets

“Did you just say Daniel?” Stephany asked running to the man and holding him.

“Daniel, yes, is there a problem?” he asked Stephany

“Remember Sir when I said that my cousin Daniel was among the trainees, right?” Stephany said to Adan

“Yes I do” Adan said listening with rapt attention

“I also said that only four bodies were found in his room instead of the normal five, Stephany said, if there was no body found, then it means no body was buried” he concluded

“That makes sense Stephany” Adan said as he bent down and began to look around at the exhumed caskets

“Then that means Nada was wrong then” Adan said

“Who’s Nada Sir?” Stephany asked

“Someone I know” Adan replied

“Sir, we need to know why the other five caskets are empty and why they are all girls” Stephany said

“These bodies, the leader of the forensic said, they don’t look like it was a gas explosion” he added

“What then did this?” Adan asked walking to him

“A bomb it is. Nothing like a gas explosion at all” he replied

“They were murdered” Adan said and everyone gasped

“Quick, let’s get back and tell everyone the truth” Stephany said

“Don’t be such a dunce, Adan said, tell everyone and then what huh? We need to find the people who plotted this and we need to do it secretly too” he added

“I know who did it” Jonah said

“Who?” Adan asked

“Their very own” Jonah said

“What do you mean” Adan asked

“Daniel is or rather was from Horki but the other 5 bodies that weren’t found?” Jonah said

“You mean the girls?” Adan asked

“Yeah, they definitely are not from Horki but from another country” he said

“How do you know about that?” Stephany asked

“Their names and the pattern in which their bodies are missing makes it obvious that they are one” Jonah replied

“It is either their country came to get them or they survived on their own but that is highly impossible since they are in a foreign land right?” he added

“Shut up Jonah, Lankan said annoyed, you’re just saying anything you like and do you think that these guys have the time to listen to you talk crap” he added

“Well, I’m sorry Sir, I was just trying to ease the tension here” Jonah apologized

“Ease? You mean increase huh?” Lankan said annoyed

“I said I’m sorry already” Jonah said again

“Don’t worry him Lankan” Adan said

“What he said made a lot of sense. An empty casket means they didn’t die and they are five of them. Five, just like the number used to attack Philips. It’s possible that the people who are supposed to be in these empty caskets are those girls but the question is; how did they survive?”

Adan and the other CIA agents went back to the office with the challenge to answer the question Adan had asked. He too wondered if their country came to get them. It made no sense because it meant they had to have left the training center at least a day before the bombing but the records shown by Swart and Philips signified no trainee left. All they had was their names and nothing more. It was like a dead end for him. 

He walked into his office and found Swart seated by his desk.

 “I hear you went sightseeing at the grave site of those trainees” Swart said as he went through some files on Adan’s desk

“Give that back!” Adan said as he snatched the file from Swart

“What are you doing here? Why are you in my office?” he asked

“Your office?” Swart asked

“If you wanna have anything at all that is referred to or even called an office, you should then be very careful” he added

“Are you threatening me?” Adan asked

“No, it’s a warning and the truth also” Swart replied

“Do you know you just disrespected the deceased by doing what you did? How can you exhume their bodies after three years?” Swart asked

“That's exactly what I want to ask. Why didn't you all carry out an autopsy to know the true cause of their death?”

“Why did you all conclude it was a gas explosion when you knew it wasn’t?” Adan asked

“The higher-ups didn't bother to check so why would I an ordinary Commander carry out an autopsy?” Swart said

“I just saved your ass by not informing the press and the President about this action of yours. How do you think the families of those deceased would feel?”

“Do you want to reawaken a painful fire in their hearts? Watch your steps Adan Robertson” he added

“And moreover, the way you keep the files about the late trainees three years ago is very poor. Anyone could just walk in and rid you of them” he said

“Why? Are you afraid that you being involved in that incident is going to get leaked to the public and you’d lose your position in this country?” Adan asked

“I could sue you for slander Robertson” Swart said

“I’m ready to face you in court then” Adan said as he entered fully into his office

“So if you’d please excuse me, I have work to do now” he said

“Instead of throwing balls at me, why don’t you ask your wretched Father whether he was involved in that crime you keep whining about” Swart said

“My Father is nothing like the conniving snake that you are” Adan said through clenched teeth

“Really? We will see about that then” Swart said and walked out

“Damn it!” Adan cursed as he threw all the files on his table to the floor

“Sir, are you okay?” Stephany asked

“Get lost!” Adan screamed 

The whole incident was becoming a headache to him and then Swart came to tell him about his Father being involved

“No, there is no way my Father would be involved in that incident” he thought as he took his jacket and walked out

“Sir, are you leaving?” Stephany asked. He was concerned that his Captain was having a mental break down after seeing burnt decayed bodies of over three years. That kind of thing messes up your brain you know. 

“Yes, I think I need a break, even just for a while” he replied as he walked away

“Sir, your son is here to see you” Sonia said walking into Roberson’s living room.

“Oh, sure, let him in” he told her

“Okay Sir” she said 

“Good to see you son, haven’t come to visit your old man in a while now huh?” Robertson said on seeing Adan walk in.

“Father” Adan said

“Oh, as I presumed, George said, you are here for work and not to pay me a visit right?” he added

“Yes, I came to ask you about a case I’m walking on” Adan replied

“Well, if there is anything I could do to help I’d do it” Robertson replied

“Were you involved in the so called gas explosion that took place in the Danima military training centre that claimed the lives of 355 trainees?” Adan asked

“350 not 355, idiot or probably 349 since Daniel’s body is missing” Adan scolded himself in his head

“So direct, huh?” George said

“Now my turn to ask you. Are you accusing me or asking me?” Robertson asked

“I don’t know, you tell me. Father” Adan said

“Father? Ask yourself Adan, the Father you have, is he the type to spill blood?” George asked

“That’s not the man I call my Father” Adan replied

“Then you have your answer Adan” George said turning to face Adan

“Okay then, I’d hold you by your word, Adan said, but if I find out you were involved I’d go by the law not minding you are my Father” he added

“Stay for lunch son, you’ve lost weight” George said

“No Father, I have work to do” Adan replied as he walked out of the room

George turned to face the window. “I knew 1954 was going to repeat itself again”

Swart got a call from the hospital saying Hannah got involved in an accident. He thought it was the 5 and they had begun targeting his family. He didn’t know who to call for help since the CIA thought that just like Philips, he deserved whatever it was the 5 were plotting against him.

He rushed into the hospital and thankfully, it didn’t look bloodied like the way Philips’ house was when the 5 attacked. On getting to Hannah’s hospital room he met her seated on the bed.

“Are you alright? They said you had an accident” he said and held her hand

“I’m fine. It’s just that I nearly slipped in the bathroom. There was a Nurse who came and caught me just in time. It would have been fatal” she said

He heaved a sigh of relief. It was just a normal bathroom accident, nothing out of the ordinary.

“Who is this female Nurse? I need to see her and properly thank her” Swart said looking around

“No need, she left already” Hannah said

“Can you describe her? So I can ask around about her” Swart suggested

“She was wearing a mask and I think she was just coming out of an operating room too” Hannah said

“Wearing a mask? What do you mean?” Swart asked

“Hey! Don’t go about accusing the innocent Nurse okay. I said she was coming out of an operation room” Hannah said smiling. She knew he was thinking she could be one of the people responsible for the attack on the Philips.

“Okay. If you find anything suspicious about anyone in this hospital let me know ASAP” he said

“Yes, my sweet, caring, worried, daisy of a husband” Hannah said mockingly

“There we go again about daisies” Swart said 

“But seriously dear, aren’t you over thinking this whole issue that had to do with Philips?” Hannah asked

“We just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time so don’t bother yourself because our kids can’t handle both parents being in the hospital” she added

“Ah! That reminds me, Swart said. A date has been fixed for the burial of the Philips” he added

“Okay. I must be there to pay my respects” Hannah said

“No I was just letting you know, not that I was asking you to be present there” Swart said

“No, I want to be there and I will. Elisa was my only friend. We were friends. Big time and imagine what would happen if she sees in the spirit world that I didn’t come to pay my respects” Hannah pressed on

“Okay, please yourself” Swart said as he got up to leave

“Are you leaving already? You just got here” Hannah said

“Yes. I have a meeting” Swart said as he turned around and left

“Is he mad at me?” 

 “Man…What a day” Macleod said as he sat down on the cushion in his living room.

“Why are there never girls in your house, Macleod” Gerald asked taking a beer from Macleod’s fridge.

“Just…” Macleod started

“Just what?” Hillary asked

“I’m not interested” Macleod said

“You’ve got to get yourself a girlfriend soon or else you might end up dying single” Gerald said sipping his beer

“Okay. But I’ve got better things on my mind you know” Macleod said

“My Mom is in the hospital and my dad is working his ass out because of the death of his friend. Do you seriously think I have time to date?” he added.

“Suit yourself dude” Gerald said frowning a little.

He couldn’t see how Hannah being in the hospital and Swart being worried about Philips’ death would affect him romantically. He just thought he was being too lazy to date anyone. Or he didn’t have what it took, maybe he was even gay.

Macleod walked into his room and picked up a picture of his family. He was going to have to go back to Horki and he hated that place. He groaned and began to pack his bag. Philips’ burial awaits.

The mysterious Nurse who saved Hannah from cracking her skull in the bathroom was none other than Nada. She knew it was going to prove difficult to get the Swart’s as their family life was more private than that of celebrities. What she had to do was come into their lives like a friend, get what she wanted and leave their bodies for the vultures.

From the little she had gathered so far from the 5’s findings, Swart’s children were not in Horki and their names wasn’t made public. She wanted to go for the entire family. Not just the husband and his wife.

 “Hello ma’am, how’re you doing?” she said as she walked into Hannah’s room 

 “Oh! Nurse it’s you” Hannah said

“I’m doing fine” she added

“Okay ma’am” 

“Can I know your name?” Hannah asked

“Oh! I’m Nurse Meredith” she replied

“Okay, Meredith, my husband wanted to see you but you left already” Hannah said

“So sad, I would have loved to see him too after a long time” she said

“After a long time? Do you perhaps know my husband in person?” Hannah asked 

“Uh… no, I’ve seen him on the television but that was a long time ago” she answered

“Okay, that’s nice to hear” Hannah said smiling

“Is there anything you’d want me to do for you?” she asked

“Uh… I don’t mean to bother you but can you help me adjust the bed?” Hannah requested

“Sure ma’am” she said and moved towards her. As she adjusted the bed she placed a listening device under the bed and stood up.

“Thank you dear. What would I have done without you?” Hannah said

“Oh, your children could help you out” she said

“Or don’t you have children? I’m sorry” she added

“No, I do have kids” Hannah answered

“Two actually but my daughter is at school and my son is a CEO of a company but he doesn’t want to come home, still hanging out with his friends and all that” she added

“Oh… what are their names?” she asked

“Daisy and Macleod” Hannah replied

“Wow, you must really love daisies since you have a lot of them in your room” she said

“Yes I do” Hannah laughed

“Nada, Swart is on his way. You need to leave” Fae spoke to her through the intercom in her ear

“I have to go now ma’am, my superior must be looking for me” she said

“Uh… okay, but come tomorrow?” Hannah requested

“I’ll always come to you” she said as she walked out

Just as she walked out, Swart walked in holding a bunch of flowers in his hands.

“Oh… look who’s here. I thought you were mad at me when you didn’t pick my calls” Hannah said

“I know you must be bored that’s why you have the time to think such silly things” Swart said

“No I’m not because I have my phone and Meredith was here again” Hannah replied

“Who’s Meredith?” Swart asked

“The Nurse I told you about who helped me yesterday” Hannah replied

“She just left and you came in” she added

“You mean that girl dressed as a Nurse wearing a face mask” Swart asked

“Yeah, you saw her?” Hannah asked

“Yes I did” Swart said looking out of the door

“Have you heard from Macleod?” Hannah asked and sniffed the flowers

“Yes, he’s coming in for Philips’ burial” Swart said

“When is it?” Hannah asked

“The day after tomorrow” Swart answered

“So you are getting out of the hospital tomorrow” he added

“Okay, call Daisy and tell her not to bother coming to the hospital tomorrow but instead come straight to the house” Hannah suggested

“Okay, I’d do just that” Swart took out his phone to call and inform his daughter but she wasn’t picking up.

“Send her our address then. 54 Yield Street, Danima”

 “Hello ma’am, I heard you are getting discharged today” Meredith said walking into Hannah’s room to see her packing up.

“Yes, news spread really fast huh” Hannah said

“Why do you wear face masks anyway, I would have loved to see your face” Hannah said

“Oh… I’m not a Nurse actually but an intern here and we don’t show our face to patients we aren’t assigned to” Meredith answered. That was the most stupid lie ever but Hannah actually bought it. You won’t blame her though, she knew nothing about the medics.

“Okay. Thank you anyway. If not for you, life in this place would have been boring” Hannah said

“Don’t worry ma’am, meeting me will make your life never boring again” Meredith said

“Oh, you say such weird jokes” Hannah said as she continued packing

“I s there anything you want me to help you with?” Meredith asked

 “You are such a darling, Hannah said, you can get me my phone it’s in the bathroom” she added

“Sure” Meredith said as she walked into the bathroom. She took off her face mask and copied Hannah’s contacts into her phone and switched her SIM with a bug 

“Here it is ma’am” she said handing it over to Hannah

“Thank you dear” Hannah said

“I have to go now ma’am. Goodbye” Meredith said walking off without looking back

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