Chapter 22

Nada was elated that she had succeeded in getting Stephany to work with them. All she had to do was release him and let him continue her carnage in Adan’s life. Adan would think she let him go because she made a mistake when she kidnapped him and then, he would lead them to George for the finishing touch. At the moment, she needed to hear what Swart had to say to her. Unlike Adan, he had figured out her trickery to listening in on everything they were planning because that explained her ability to always get them en-roped. Swart planned on telling her the truth even if seeing her one on one was the biggest mistake he could be making. But he was willing to bet everything he had; his family and his life or telling her the truth.

Blesse and Nebula went ahead of Nada to make sure the abandoned training center was secure for her to go in. For all they knew, Swart could be working with Adan and they were laying an ambush for her.

Nada drove at top speed with her motorbike to the meeting poi
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