Chapter 18: Punishment

“Sir, try to tell the truth. We still don't understand," said Aris.

After hearing the chatter of his students, finally Hermes said he meant to invite them to this roof.

"You guys were bullied right? Answer!" Hermes said.

"Bullying who sir? What is this man talking about?" said charlos who reasoned.

"This!" said hermes while showing the videotape.

Hermes showed them the videotape. Hermes laughed in satisfaction at this point.

"You still don't want to confess?" asked hermes who cornered them.

They were very surprised when they saw the video.

In fact, they didn't even realize that someone was recording them when they bullied davin earlier.

“That, that, who is it from, sir?” Damian asked.

Damian panicked greatly when he saw the recording. It seemed, he wanted to take the camera and slam it.

"You know what I'm going to do with this tape, right?" Hermes said with a big smile.

"Sir, don't give it to anyone, sir. We don't want our cave people to know," said Damian.

"You also know what this sc
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