Trap for Aura

The person whose fingerprint was found on the gloves is dead. How do you burn dead people in prison?"

Lay Jayden himself feels bad for giving such an answer to Emir. How much the boy relied on him! But he has nothing to do here. He has to accept what is true.

Hearing those words Emir stared blankly as if the neurons in his brain had stopped working for a moment. He doesn't know if Mr. Jayden is joking with him. If he's joking, it's a very funny joke. And if not, Emir is going to face the second failure of his life. Thoughts are sitting on Emir's head. He has been running like crazy for almost a week. He is trying to solve this case by clenching his teeth by enduring the pressure of the upper floor. He thought this understanding opened a door, but all in vain. Emir said in a worried voice,

"Are you kidding me, sir? I don’t think it’s necessary for this situation. "

"Have I ever made fun of you? And in such a situation do you think I would do something like that?"

"Not on or
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