Jealousy, Jealousy
At 9 p.m.

Emir blinked and opened his eyes. The head is relaxed. Feeling starving. He has a strong odor of phenol on his nose. Emir is lying on a white bed in a corner of a room surrounded by white walls. He raised his head lightly and took a good look around. It's a hospital, there are 5-6 more patients like him. Suddenly, he noticed that Aura was sitting right next to him with his head on her hands and her eyes closed. Emir stared at Aura for a while. He does not want the girl to be disturbed. There was an expedition all day. They have spent the whole day in uncertain activities; the loss of the knowledge of the last Emir seems to have completed sixteen arts. But the question is why Emir suddenly became unconscious! And that girl! Who was that girl! How deep is his relationship with Kush! The answer to the questions is completely unknown to Emir. Now he doesn't want to think about them. Just wanting to see Aura. Twelve years! Aah… How much life has changed these twelve years. Emir is
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