She's awake

πŸ’“πŸ’— Beautiful

Mystery πŸ’“πŸ’—

( Oceana )

By: Ukinebo Glory

Episode 47

Noah's Pov;

" Is she awake yet?" Mario asked.

I nodded, sighed and went to take a seat on the dinning close to him

" And why aren't you dressed for school yet?" he asked again, arching his brows at me

" I'm not going " I replied grumpily.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes alongside.

It's been two days now since the incident and Mystery girl was yet to wake up.

I watch her day and night but there was no sign of her getting up anytime soon. If worries me alot. I don't wanna go to school because I fear she might wake up in my absence and might run away.

I would never let that happen, not when she came to me her self - on a platter of gold. I didn't even go to look for her.

" Don't tell me it's because of that girl?" Mario said

I kept mute.

" Noah. The contest was ruined. It only makes sense that it will be reorganized" he said,but I paid no attention whatsoever to what he was saying.

I don't care about
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