41. Too young.

While Harris was following them, he could notice and attest to the fact that those soldiers were good. They fought in a uniform manner, with every man watching the back of his neighbor. Their ears were wide open even while fighting, they did not allow the clashing sounds of weapons distract them from hearing the next command. It seemed as though they were deaf to the noise made by the striking together of weapons. All they heard were commands and would change their strategy at the sound of every command. They did not maintain any constant formation. From observing the Putrid squad fight and chase the orcs away, he told himself that he had a lot to learn. The manner in which they were coming up and down their horses was another thing he could not explain. Even their rides on their own proved to him that they were trained for that purpose. Most of all, at the end of the whole thing, he could notice that they lost about ten to five men only. And the squad did not march in their number. T
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