Demon Lord / Viking Emperor 5 (Question For The Emperor)

His heartless body rose up on its two feet and the hole I made on his chest started stitching itself back to its normal phase,

other parts of his body also began changing like his hair that was pure white turned into a mixed color of red and white, his crimson pupil also changed by having a kite shape with the right side having crystal white and the left side having deep blood soaked red, his height increasing about two feet.

What made me so on edge about the changes occurring in his body is the aura fluctuation that is constantly emitting out of his body,

A red and white Aura that keeps on wrapping itself around him as if it's protecting him,

It serves as a form of defense to the owner but to the opponent it stares at them like a predator monitoring its prey,

He is different,

This isn't the same person I was exchanging blows with just hours ago,

This teenager before me is a completely and a more terrifying being compared to the him of a seconds ago.


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