19: A not so good idea

Suzy sipped off the drink from the cup in her hands through a piece of straw as she angrily stared at the cup which she was drinking from

She was pissed off and she was sure of it. Perhaps taking out the annoyance on the innocent drink was a way to get her going again. But it didn't seem to be working.

Sitting alone at a table that she booked alone in a restaurant, she repeatedly looked up and around as if she was waiting for someone.

"And what do you think you're doing here?" Lenny asked as she walked up to her serving a tray of meals on Suzy's table.

Suzy casually looked up at Lenny who was dressed up in a waiter's outfit and then looked down at the meal before her.

"You should be glad that I'm taking my time to wait for you to get off work. I have nothing to do anyways so staying here at your restaurant seems like the best Option. Besides, I can patronize you with cheap meals" Suzy sighed.

Lenny placed both hands on her waist as she stared at her friend " Staying here is one thing
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