Building A Fortress 2
Jax swallowed and absentmindedly stared at the sprawling trees. He couldn't understand why they were still stuck. Considering how long they've been wandering, they should've already made it to the other side by now.

Did they take the wrong direction, or...

A chill slithered down his spine.

If they were going around in circles...under a mutated plant's manipulation...then Marcus wouldn't need to take his life. They would all be a goner.

"Keep moving." Suppressing his fear, he led the remaining regular humans, as moving forward was their only chance to survive.

For the umpteenth time, Marcus contemplated slaughtering them. They were no help. Their fruits ran out, and the noise they created was enough to attract a horde. Combined with the fact they weren't even certain of the direction to the stone mansion, they became nothing but a troublesome burden.

Kill. Killing them will make everything easier. Killing them will...


I can't kill indiscriminately. They're worthless, but th
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