Chapter 19

Paytons POV

"ASHTON" his name ripped from my throat as I watched the guy behind him get up from the pavement and slowly raised a gun to the back of Ashtons head.

Before I even knew what was happening my body moved on its own accord, I remember reaching for the gun tucked under my sweater but pulling the trigger and shooting the threat square in the left eye seemed like a faint memory, the only indication I had actually done it was the loud bang that reverberated up my arm leaving me blinking in shock.

Had I actually just killed someone?

Bile rose in my throat, but I quickly shoved it down. This Is what my life has become or rather what it was always about, I was just to blind to see it. It started with my father and now with me, an endless cycle with no reprieve in sight.

Tucking the gun back under my sweater I just stared at Ashton. If he was surprised or impressed, he didn't show it, in fact his face tensed up as though he were in were secretly in pain. Looking down at Ashtons side
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