The Torrent Of Energy

Maidservant Kim walks into Stefan coming into the living room while she has his food served in a tray. For

" Young Master, this is wild ginseng tea, drink up." She stretched the tray to his face.

" Wild ginseng?" " I will drink it after I return. Leave it." He said smiling.

" Are you trying to give it to Cressida again?" Kim asked, frowning.

"It's cold outside, she deserves something warm and nice. Why did you make her sweep the yard out in the cold?".

" Wait!" Kim dropped the tray of food on the table.

" That maid is getting treated for free. So I asked her to do her part." Kim couldn't believe he often gives his food to Cressida.

" Why does it have to be her? Could you not do it yourself?"

Maidservant Kim blinked her eyes twice to be certain he made that statement.

" I have to heat up your medicine, prepare your food and also take care of you."

" Cressida will take care of me, you do not need to worry."

" Ooh, I see. So you only care about Cressida. Since I am now considered usele
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