Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Avon Barksdale soon arrived at home, going straight to his office while sending for his assistant to meet him there immediately.

“What do you have now on them?” He asked the moment he felt his presence gracing the room.

Seeming busy with the gun he was corking and a mask he was preparing.

“As predicted, they’ve gathered at their usual spot to mourn the loss of their leader, I have gotten their location and it’s right here with me. Now you can go after all of them at once.” He replied, his head bowed the whole time he was talking.

“Keep a close eye on that girl and find out about those who she said are after are, I will be back soon.” Avon said, done with what he was doing and immediately moving out of his office with his assistant following closely behind him.

“Alright, General.” He responded, before letting his boss walked off and away totally from him, also taking a new turn that leads to the room where Kory resides.

Avon got in the awaited vehicle, settling down wi
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