165 The princes of Fenghuo Opera

With a roar and a tug, Qianlong Lee suddenly burst into flames outside his body, spun around and slashed at the demon tiger's throat.

The demon tiger tried to growl, but all it did was coo.

Blood was spewing from his throat and there was nothing he could do to stop it, and the wound was growing.

Magic Tiger couldn't help but feel a little sorry for coming after Qianlong Lee, why would such a small animal want to go after him when it didn't eat enough to plug its own teeth?

There is no repentance, the demon tiger howls ferociously, and life goes on and on.

Qianlong Lee's sword lurched upward and plunged into the demon tiger's brain with a thump, causing the beast's entire body to convulse and its screams to grow smaller and smaller.

Qianlong Lee hugged Rose and breathed the wind in her ears, but it didn't hurt.

Qianlong Lee's eyes continually scanned the woods below her, who knows if there was anything strange in the woods, but don't overturn the boat in the gutter. Qianlong Lee was dr
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