Brace The Mad Fanatic Ability Lover

Bang… Bang… Bang… Boom… Boom

"Come move faster, we need to get back to the base fast

We have no time to dilly dally around, the hunters and soldiers who can move,

Go and help the injured once move fast our life depends on how fast we retreat"

Vrrmmmm, Rooooaaaar...…

Bang… Bang… Bang… Boom… Boom

Dadadadada... Boom

Brace gave orders to his team as he saw the mechanized greenlight arrived and fire shell after shell of bullets bombarding the monster's location. Seeing what was happening he remembered the base orders and its sign of retreat.

He marvelled at the spectacular greenlight creation as this was his first time seeing such powerful abilities in his life much more a creation-type ability. If someone tells him such an ability exists and an ordinary hunter without the backing of gods holds such powerful abilities then he would have laughed at the person who has told the rumors and even scold them to not spread such hearsay and will raise his middle finger for the
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