We can't lose her

Grandma Joan stared at Ryan angrily, "Are you wishing for me to die?!" She half yelled.

  "Calm down mother, just ignore him." Mrs Bruce sys soothingly.

  "I've never felt this good since I felt sick and you're wishing for me to die? How dare you?"

  "Who's the doctor here? Huh?" The Doctor snaps, "if I wasn't so sure of the acupuncture and how I did them, do you think I should recommend it?"

 ",I can't believe you." Alina whispered harshly, ", Didn't I warn you not to say anything when we enter."

 "If it isn't harmful to your health, I wouldn't speak up." Ryan explains to Grandma Joan.

  "And he is still here, claiming his right. He has no respect whatsoever." Aunt Sasha says, still glaring at him.

  "Are you trying to prove a point here because you are the odd one out amongst them and don't deserve to be with the family?" Uncle Jeffery asks smugly. 

He had immediately hated Ryan the day he set foot in the family house and was even more angry when he married his cousin. He had a perfect man in mind for his cousin, a rich brat from the country side, not some poor rat.

  "Get out!" Alex says, "You are making everyone get worked up with your presence here, so I suggest you leave."

  "I agree with Alex, Get out!!" Mrs Bruce added, her voice two tones higher.

  "The sight of you alone is enough to send me to the grave." Grandma Joan remarked, "Just to find peace in never knowing you or that you now belong to this family."

  Ryan glanced at Alina, somehow expecting to say something. 

A tired sigh escapes her lips instead, "just leave Ryan."

Ryan nods at them and leaves the room. Since they don't believe him, he is not in the least bothered. He has done his part and warned them of the dangerous situation their grandmother will be.

 He puts his hands in his hoodie pocket and leaves the hospital completely, with no destination in mind. Putting up with a family that hates his entire existence and even gets angry he is breathing is something he is used too.

  It took him by surprise three years ago, at how they treated him, but overtime, he learnt to overlook it and understand they will never change. In fact, he would put his defenses up of any if them suddenly acts nice.

 After he left the ward, Grandma Joan turned her attention to Alina. ", You should divorce him immediately and marry Alex here. If it weren't for Alex, for inviting one of the best doctor, I would be dead already."

 Just like other family members, she doesn't like Ryan, and doesn't hesitate to show her distaste at any given chance.

  Alex sneaks a glance at Alina, happy the family members are talking in his favour. They are a perfect match, all that's left is to take her husband away from the picture.

  "Grandma is right." Aunt Sasha agreed, "Reannd is not worthy of you, not even one bit. You deserve more. See he couldn't even help or do anything in anyway, all he brought was a bag of fruits. Is that what will help Grandma Joan?"

  "Ryan... His name is Ryan not Reannd." Alina corrected.

  Aunt Sasha scoffs in response, "Who cares. All that matters is you should go for a perfect husband, like Alex here."

 Alina didn't say anything or give response to their suggestions. She faces her grandmother, "Since you are better, I'll come back to check up on you, I have somethings to attend to. Take care of yourself."

  "I'm feeling dizzy." Grandma Joan mumbled.

  "You should take a rest." The doctor told her, "your body isn't in perfect condition yet."

Grandma Joan suddenly started shaking vigorously on the bed, coughing and vomiting large amount of blood.

Everyone in the room panicked instantly, including the doctor.

  "What's wrong Doctor? What is happening?"Alex yelled, the fear evident in his voice.

  ,The doctor rushed to Grandma Joan's side, trying to make sense of what happened.

Just as he got to her side, she fainted. He was really shocked. He was sure of the treatment and acupuncture he gave to her, she should be fine, not getting worst. All attempts to wake her up was futile. Her pulse was extremely slow and her breathing came really slow and low.

  "What's happening Doctor, why is Grandma Joan not waking up!?" Alina asks worried.

 "She... She's... She's not..." Mrs Bruce stuttered, finding it hard to say the word, "Dead."

" No" the doctor answered her, glancing at Grandma Joan who could pass off as dead.

  It's only a matter of little time before she's dead completely.

  "But she is dying" the doctor added. If what Ryan said was true, then she has less than an hour to be announced dead.

  "What do you mean she has dying?" Alex blanched.

  Dreading what he had to say next, the doctor squared his shoulders and faced the family, "She fell into coma and we are losing her with each passing second."

   "How can you lose her to coma!?" Mrs Bruce yelled furiously, "Are you not one of the best doctors in the country? Please do something about it quick and fast, Mother must not die!!"

  "This is all your fault! Are you sure you are really one of the best?" Uncle Jeffery snarled.

  "He is one of the best quacks in the country." Aunt Sasha snapped, "I can't believe smart Alex fell for his tricks. You better do something and wake Grandma Joan up!!"

  The doctor took a deep breath, announcing his fears "That's the problem." He started, "I don't know what went wrong or how it came about this."

  "Do we look like we care about your pity story?" Mrs Bruce interrupts.

  "Remember the young man that you asked to leave earlier because he challenged what I did?" The doctor queried.

  Aunt Sasha answered, taking her eyes of Mrs Bruce who is already by Grandma Joan's bed, crying. "Yeah, good for nothing Ryan, what about him?"

  "The predictions he gave earlier are accurate, he said she would vomit blood, go into coma and die in a hour."

 The room became tensed when the doctor mentioned"die in an hour." He echoed their thoughts.

  Grandma Joan has vomited blood and is now in coma. Does that mean she'll be dead in an hour??

  "Grandma better not die," Aunt Sasha snapped, her voice not as strong as before, her lips quivered. The situation is more serious than she took it.

  "Please do your best to save her, I'll pay you any amount you want." Alex begged.

  "I don't know what to do. I can't do anything so has not to jeopardize her condition or worsen it. I suggest you should find another doctor."

  "Another doctor?" Alina spoke up, "How do you expect us to find another in such amount of time."

 "Actually." The doctor cleared his throat, "I have one person in mind. Since he noticed something was wrong, he might have a way out and save the patient?"

 "Who?" Alex asks, although he already knows the answer.

  "The young man that left, Ryan."

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