Where do you belong?


General Minamino could be seen on a tall building, addressing the new set of soldiers.

"Men of valuable talents, your perseverance and guts have been rewarded. You all belong to the army as from today. Like I had promised, the top ten thousand would be given the opportunity to chose if they want to belong to the marine, Air force or militias.

You can still choose to remain in the army of course. And yes, the top ten thousand can choose any division they want to belong to that's if they decide to remain in the Army".


"That's cool!"

"I'm so jealous!" Series of comments, and compliments could be heard from diverse angles.

"Keep your mouths shut!" Echoed the warrant officer, whose name was Steve Clark.

And immediately, everywhere became as silent as a cemetery. Although, some murmurings could still be heard.

"Jeez! Must he yell every time?" A voice whispered.

"What did you say?" Steve asked to confirm if he heard someone complaining, or it was just an assumption. The war
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