Chapter 2: Stolen Pride

Moments later, Princess Camilla opened the door to find Grand Healer Larys standing there, holding a small ceramic bottle on an aluminum tray.

“What brings you to our chambers, grand healer?” the princess asked.

“I came for the tonic you asked for, your highness.” 

“Right. I almost forgot. I'm glad it’s already done. Come inside, grand healer.” She replied. Not too much time passed before the princess flung open the door to let the great healer into their chamber.

Ah...if it isn’t the grand healer who has interrupted my claimancy to Dizencia’s most valued treasure.” When the earl saw the grand healer, who had made his way all the way into their chambers, he gave a very sarcastic response.

Vandread, who was completely naked in the presence of the great healer, walked over to the closest table and helped himself to another glass of wine. He held the wine cup in his left hand and looked up at the grand healer, smiling as he waited for an answer.

“Apologies, but I was tasked with bringing forth a tonic for you, my lord.”

“Do I look weak enough to need your tonic, grand healer Larys?”

The grand healer looked straight down. He tried to keep his distance from the earl and avoid making eye contact with him. Avoiding further angering the earl was a prudent move on his part. He realized he had indeed walked in on them having an intimate moment, and that if he said anything to anger the earl, his head might be on a spike by the end of the night.

Princess Camilla quickly stepped in and snatched the tonic's ceramic bottle. "Husband, it was me who asked for this tonic. I was very worried about your most recent Deathstorm raid. Especially the soul damage the wyvern caused by trying to absorb it."

Vandread laughed sarcastically when he heard why the princess wanted a tonic. "My dear wife, do you think I'm so weak that I need a tonic to replenish the mana I lost during my raid?"

The princess' cheeks flushed red. She felt ashamed because the earl may have thought she was meddling when she only wanted to help him. “It wasn't like that, husband. I just wanted you to feel better and get well.”

The earl put the cup back on the table and pulled the princess closer to him by her waist. As he pinned her to him, the earl cupped her right breast and gently rubbed it. He then told her, “You know very well what would make me feel better, my dear wife.” right in front of the grand healer, who was awkwardly making an effort to inch his way towards the door.

The princess was embarrassed, especially since the grand healer was still there. Each caress by the earl was a sensation she couldn't resist. Especially when the earl bit her earlobe. 

“Please, husband, not when the grand healer is here.” The princess begged, so the earl took his hand away. Again, he felt deprived by the princess. But since he knew the princess would insist, he gave in. 

He thought the tonic wouldn't be so bad. If it was made to restore the mana the wyvern he killed during his last raid absorbed, it wouldn't be risky to grant the princess' request..

“All right. Hand it over.” Earl Vandread told the princess after he sighed. Without hesitation, he took the ceramic bottle and drank every last drop. The earl's face showed that he liked the tonic. Then he said, "It tasted like raspberry."

"Glad you like it. I asked the grand healer to make it sweeter than the usual bitter tonic, or you'll throw it away." The princess explained as she handed the grand healer the empty tonic bottle.

When they were alone again, the earl pulled the princess into his arms and kissed her before locking her mouth in his. The princess was defenseless as the earl touched her sensitive areas.

Earl Vandread was kissing the princess when a loud thud stopped him. As he moved away from the princess, the thud grew louder. And this time, it was accompanied by excruciating chest pain, as if he were under immense pressure. It was like his internal organs were compressed, making breathing difficult.

“I-I can’t br-breath…” He struggled to speak as he asked the princess for help.

To his surprise, she kicked his hand away. Earl Vandread's eyes widened. He couldn't believe his wife had done that. He was confused by her strange reaction.

“W-wife, please help m-me. C-call the grand he-healer…”

Earl Vandread had lost his balance due to pain, but he had to speak. He was too surprised to see her reaction change again. His horror grew when the princess's calm mood turned treacherous. The princess' expression seemed to suggest that she was planning some sort of scheme against Vandread.

And the earl's gut feeling was confirmed when Princess Camilla raised her hand above him and casted a spell: "Thirst of leech, come right now, bring upon the orb that sucks up thee life: Hirudyneas!"

Suddenly, Earl Vandread was in a great deal of agony. Aside from the mental anguish, he also experienced severe physical discomfort in his chest. Everything inside him seemed to be colliding as if something was trying to break free. After Camilla's spell ended, the earl's pain subsided. 

Suddenly, a red crystal orb materialized in the palm of Princess Camilla.

Vandread, despite his weakened condition, mustered what energy he had left to focus on the red orb that represented his Mana or spirit energy. He reasoned that Camilla cast an absorption spell designed to neutralize the abilities of creatures like the wyvern he had just vanquished. But what Princess Camilla did now was use the spell to absorb nearly all of his spirit energy. She left him just enough to keep him alive.

“What have you done to me, Camilla?”

Princess Camilla laughed devilishly and said, "Now that I've collected all of your spirit energy, I have no use for you."

Earl Vandread tried to get up but could only sit down.

“You didn’t answer my question. I asked, What've you done to me?!" Vandread yelled in anger. 

Princess Camilla replied with disdain, "It's simple. I stored your spirit energy in this orb. And now that I have this power, no one can stand against me as the most powerful person in the kingdom, not even my father."

“You treacherous cunt!” Vandread reacted, but Camilla laughed. She knew he couldn't harm her. Princess Camilla called out the guards and told them to kill Vandread in the woods. 

"You can't do this to me! I'm a legendary earl and your husband!"”

"Well, not anymore.” Princess Camilla retorted. "Without your powers, the kingdom has no use for you. And I won't have to spend the night with you. I never liked you. I had to suffer around you to gain your favor, and you fell for my trick."

“Cursed you!”

“That goes for you now, Vandread Le Crozerea. Guards, get him now!” Princess Camilla ordered, and guards outside the chamber seized Vandread.

As the princess ordered, they threw him at the base of Dizencia Hill, where ogers roamed at night. Vandread was useless now without his powers. He could barely move a muscle. If those monsters appeared now, he doubted he'd survive. 

‘Do you wish to become strong?’

Vandread was about to give up when he heard a mysterious woman's voice.

“Who are you?” Vandread asked as he tried to muster his remaining energy.

‘I am the order that mediates between two parallel universes. As well as the mouth that serves as law in this realm to any outlander I've summoned like you, Vandread Le Crozerea.’

Then Vandread realized what the voice meant. If what he thought was true, it would be like the voice was the system of this world. It wasn't impossible to believe, especially since magic and powers existed in this world.

“You’re like the system.”


“What can you do for me?”

‘The same way you can do for yourself.’

“In my condition right now? Are you mocking me?”

‘No. As I don't want to waste your time, let me tell you this. You need to master mana absorption if you want to increase your strength.

"Exactly what that twisted Camilla did to me!"

‘Yes. The only way to get stronger is by defeating your enemies and taking away their spirit energy.’

“But how can I do that?”

‘Do you remember the incantation that Princess Camilla used on you?’


Learn all there is to know about the art of Hirudyneas.  It's a two-way incantation.’


'First was the oral, which a low-level caster uses like the princess did. And the second was a high-level incantation that uses spirit energy to manifest the spell without reciting the entire incantation.’ 

"How? I'm helpless and weak. And I'm no wizard or mage to have such ability."

'Your bloodline says the opposite. You possessed blood like that of a wizard or mage. And even if your spirit energy was absorbed, it's a wonder you're still alive.'

"What do you mean by that?"

‘That you have more than what was taken from you.’

“If that’s what you mean, then how come I am still feeling so weak?”

‘Your body is still adjusting to the reserved energy you have because your superficial energy was taken. But since it's been stored for so long, it must be forced out.'

“Forced out? Do you mean–”

‘Precisely, you have to go through a hunt for life energy in order to merge with that dormant energy you have. And the only way possible was if you could defeat another powerful creature and steal their mana.’

However, just as the system was attempting to explain things to Vandread, a loud groan could be heard throughout the area. Immediately, Vandread's mind shifted away from his conversation with the system. 

He climbed to his feet with the assistance of a wooden branch he had grasped, and he looked around for the source of the sudden noise. 

That's when he heard the groan again, and this time it sounded like it was relatively close to where he was. As Vandread searched for the source of the noise, he finally saw it coming straight at him…

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