“Who are you?”

After seeing the true face of the being that possessed an overwhelming spiritual presence, Vandread was only able to utter those three words after having his mouth drop open. There was no one else who could possibly possess such power other than the dimensional sentinel.

Lennox stated that the power and bloodlust of the dimensional sentinel led to his capture inside the dimensional path. He also stated that the dimensional sentinel was responsible for his imprisonment.

After realizing that his dominance over everyone in Dizencia did not bring him the satisfaction he was seeking, he decided to explore other universes in the hope of coming across an opponent whose power was comparable to his own.

Vandread believed that it was the most vain and naive objective that anyone could hope to accomplish, and he considered the dimensional sentinel to be a pitiful fool for even attempting to make it a reality. He was under the impression that the creator had acted in the most ap
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