43. Success

Two days passed.

After Arthur gave Douglas a list of materials he needed, Arthur began to carry out his plan to build the infrastructure of Arazka City.

In one of the mansions in the upper region, Arthur gazed at the hut for the brick and cement burning, waiting for the first batch of cement and brick to be produced.

In an era of undeveloped technology, Not only did he need a furnace that could withstand high temperatures, and it was difficult to maintain the temperature at 1200 degrees manually.

But all these problems can be solved thanks to mobile phones, in "My Kingdom Shop" sells equipment and manuals for making cement, even cement that is ready to use. Arthur only bought equipment and manuals, he would not spend coins to buy ready-made cement.

And for the burning process, Arthur relied on the magicians hired from the Douglas mercenary group.

Although Arthur's face was calm, but his heart was a little restless, this was his first step to improving Arazka City. If he couldn't p
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