The tournament 1

With the brutal faceoff between nobles and commoners ongoing, it was hardly surprising that some of the contestants begun to run out of mana, especially the commoners. Seeing this, the nobles attacked with renewed fury, hellbent on eliminating all the commoners!

The commoners wouldn't go down without a fight though and they proved that as those out of mana decided to resort to physical means to eliminate the nobles.

Though a brace move, it was a foolish one as they became easy targets for the nobles who were rapidly firing spells. The teachers had to step in and quickly remove those trying to get close to the nobles before the nobles' spells hurt them badly.

"Come on!" a burly contestant roared as he slammed himself into the nobles' hastily erected barrier which they fired spells from behind. He was the first commoner to make it to the nobles' side relatively unscathed. With another roar of defiance, he grabbed a wiry noble cowering behind the wall by the hair and brutally pulled the
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